Releases: intel777/Wallhaven-Downloader-V2
Releases · intel777/Wallhaven-Downloader-V2
Collections bugfixes & General Improvements
- Proper page limiter as wallhaven tends to return different amount of images per page in different circumstances
- Fixed user collections selector not working (Issue #2)
- Fixed progress bar not updating while fetching target collection info
- Fixed "429: Too many requests" while fetching target collection info (Issue #2)
- Collection info fetcher now uses general instead of his own one.
[v1.0.2] Proper Collections bug fix
Okay, so previous fix (Here) for collections crash was a garbage, let's pretend it never existed. Here is proper fix.
Changelog (Duplicated from 1.0.1):
- Fixed crash when no collection been selected despite being in "User collection" mode
- Implemented random seed logic and input
[v1.0.1] Random seed and bugfixes.
Fixed crash when no collection been selected despite being in "User collection" mode
Implemented random seed logic and input
First public release
Initial public release of Wallhaven Downloader v2