This repo contains the experiments for the paper "Toward an Integrated Decision-Making Framework for Optimized Stroke Diagnosis with DSA and Treatment under Uncertainty" by Nur Ahmad Khatim, Azmul Asmar Irfan, Amaliya Mata'ul Hayah, and Mansur M. Arief.
To install the package, run
using Pkg
using POMDPs
using POMDPTools
using Random
using ParticleFilters
using Distributions
N = 100
max_steps = 24
rng = MersenneTwister(1)
up = BootstrapFilter(P, N, rng)
b0 = initialize_belief(up)
s0 = rand(b0)
π_dsa = DSAPolicy(P)
hr = HistoryRecorder(rng=rng, max_steps=max_steps)
hist = simulate(hr, P, π_dsa, up, b0, s0);
summarize_rollout(P, hist)
├── outputs # Output files from the experiments.
├── scripts # Example scripts for running the experiments, plotting the results,computing statistics, etc.
├── test # Unit test
└── src # Source code for the DSAPOMDPs.jl package.
title={Toward an Integrated Decision Making Framework for Optimized Stroke Diagnosis with DSA and Treatment under Uncertainty},
author={Khatim, Nur Ahmad and Irfan, Ahmad Azmul Asmar and Hayah, Amaliya Mata'ul and Arief, Mansur M},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.16962},