Java application for translating in relational the dblp database + author information importer from arnetminer.
- Maven
- run dblpImoprter.Parser.main passing as input the dblp.xml file (the dtd file is needed and must reside in the same directory of the xml file);
- create the db using the schema contained in resources (working only for MySQL); and
- import in the db the generated csv files contained in the output directory.
If errors such as "JAXP00010001" are returned, run with the JVM parameters -Xmx4096m -DentityExpansionLimit=2500000
Utility to add authors information to the dblp database by retrieveing data from arnetminer.
- configure hibernate by modifing the file resources/hibernate.cfg.xml;
- launch arnetminerImporter.Importer.main passing as input the hibernate configuration file hibernate.cfg.xml.