- 可用作任意n-of-m多签模式.
- 支持ETH及其ERC20代币.
- 防重放攻击.
- 主流硬件钱包支持(Trezor,Ledger).
- 交易日志.
A test suite is included through the use of the truffle framework, providing coverage for methods in the wallet.
NodeJS 8.9.0 is recommended.
npm install
This installs truffle and an Ethereum test RPC client.
Find it at [contracts/IvtMultiSigWallet.sol]
The truffle framework will depend on the Web3 interface to a local Web3 Ethereum JSON-RPC. If you've followed the above steps, run the following to start testrpc.
npm run truffle-testrpc
You should verify that you are not already running geth, as this will cause the tests to run against that interface.
In a separate terminal window, run the following command to initiate the test suite, which will run against the RPC:
npm run truffle-test
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