Emulateur Dofus 1.29 written in C
#Windows version Compiling using Code::Blocks . Open the gnuemu.cbp project. And you will need the libmysql and WS2_32lib , add them to your compiler linker .Then you can compile with out errors
Need also the libpcap (for sending and receiving packets)
#Linux Version Download src for Linux , and compile using gcc command . It's recommanded to test environment after starting emulator
tape --help for gnuemu commands
#USING SSH If you have a linux machine , you can use the ssh connexion to login in your linux session from your machine windows . just set your linux distribution to an SSH . And use Putty for windows . use SSH command to download gnuemu
see http://forum.ovh.com/showthread.php?12452-SsH-Commandes-utiles