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"Big data is at the foundation of all the megatrends that are happening." – Chris Lynch

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Awesome Machine Learning On Source Code

16 Important Data Science Papers:

Machine Learning Formulas:

Best Reference Books - Database Concepts and System:

Top 9 Data Science Algorithms:

Top 11 Data Structure Books:

Books and articles about Flowcharts:

Lecture Notes:

  • Introduction, linear classification, perceptron update rule (PDF)
  • Perceptron convergence, generalization (PDF)
  • Maximum margin classification (PDF)
  • Classification errors, regularization, logistic regression (PDF)
  • Linear regression, estimator bias and variance, active learning (PDF)
  • Active learning (cont.), non-linear predictions, kernals (PDF)
  • Kernal regression, kernels (PDF)
  • Support vector machine (SVM) and kernels, kernel optimization (PDF)
  • Model selection (PDF)
  • Model selection criteria (PDF)
  • Description length, feature selection (PDF)
  • Combining classifiers, boosting (PDF)
  • Boosting, margin, and complexity (PDF)
  • Margin and generalization, mixture models (PDF)
  • Mixtures and the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm (PDF)
  • EM, regularization, clustering (PDF)
  • Clustering (PDF)
  • Spectral clustering, Markov models (PDF)
  • Hidden Markov models (HMMs) (PDF)
  • HMMs (cont.) (PDF)
  • Bayesian networks (PDF)
  • Learning Bayesian networks (PDF)
  • Probabilistic inference - Guest lecture on collaborative filtering (PDF)


22 Algorithms Books Every Programmer Should Read:


Bayes' Theorem – The Forecasting Pillar of Data Science:

Essential Math for Data Science:

Data Science Case Studies:

Data Science Tutorials for Beginners:

Lecture Notes by Andrew Ng:

50 selected papers in Data Mining and Machine Learning:


Data Mining and Statistics: What’s the Connection?

Data Mining: Statistics and More?, D. Hand, American Statistician, 52(2):112-118.

Data Mining, G. Weiss and B. Davison, in Handbook of Technology Management, John Wiley and Sons, expected 2010.

From Data Mining to Knowledge Discovery in Databases, U. Fayyad, G. Piatesky-Shapiro & P. Smyth, AI Magazine, 17(3):37-54, Fall 1996.

Mining Business Databases, Communications of the ACM, 39(11): 42-48.

10 Challenging Problems in Data Mining Research, Q. Yiang and X. Wu, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2006, 597-604.

General Data Mining Methods and Algorithms

Top 10 Algorithms in Data Mining, X. Wu, V. Kumar, J.R. Quinlan, J. Ghosh, Q. Yang, H. motoda, G.J. MClachlan, A. Ng, B. Liu, P.S. Yu, Z. Zhou, M. Steinbach, D. J. Hand, D. Steinberg, Knowl Inf Syst (2008) 141-37.

Induction of Decision Trees, R. Quinlan, Machine Learning, 1(1):81-106, 1986.

Web and Link Mining

The Pagerank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web, L. Page, S. Brin, R. Motwani, T. Winograd, Technical Report, Stanford University, 1999.

The Structure and Function of Complex Networks, M. E. J. Newman, SIAM Review, 2003, 45, 167-256.

Link Mining: A New Data Mining Challenge, L. Getoor, SIGKDD Explorations, 2003, 5(1), 84-89.

Link Mining: A Survey, L. Getoor, SIGKDD Explorations, 2005, 7(2), 3-12.

Semi-supervised Learning

Semi-Supervised Learning Literature Survey, X. Zhu, Computer Sciences TR 1530, University of Wisconsin — Madison.

Learning with Labeled and Unlabeled Data, M. Seeger, University of Edinburgh (unpublished), 2002.

Person Identification in Webcam Images: An Application of Semi-Supervised Learning, M. Balcan, A. Blum, P. Choi, J. lafferty, B. Pantano, M. Rwebangira, X. Zhu, Proceedings of the 22nd ICML Workshop on Learning with Partially Classified Training Data, 2005.

Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Data: An Empirical Study across Techniques and Domains, N. Chawla, G. Karakoulas, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 23:331-366, 2005.

Text Classification from Labeled and Unlabeled Documents using EM, K. Nigam, A. McCallum, S. Thrun, T. Mitchell, Machine Learning, 39, 103-134, 2000.

Self-taught Learning: Transfer Learning from Unlabeled Data, R. Raina, A. Battle, H. Lee, B. Packer, A. Ng, in Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2007.

An iterative algorithm for extending learners to a semisupervised setting, M. Culp, G. Michailidis, 2007 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), 2007

Get Another Label? Improving Data Quality and Data Mining Using Multiple, Noisy Labelers, V. Sheng, F. Provost, P. Ipeirotis, in Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2008.

Logistic Regression for Partial Labels, in 9th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume III, pp. 1935-1941, 2002.

Classification with Partial labels, N. Nguyen, R. Caruana, in Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2008.

Induction of Decision Trees from Partially Classified Data Using Belief Functions, M. Bjanger, Norweigen University of Science and Technology, 2000.

Knowledge Discovery in Large Image Databases: Dealing with Uncertainties in Ground Truth, P. Smyth, M. Burl, U. Fayyad, P. Perona, KDD Workshop 1994, AAAI Technical Report WS-94-03, pp. 109-120, 1994.

Active Learning

Improving Generalization with Active Learning, D Cohn, L. Atlas, and R. Ladner, Machine Learning 15(2), 201-221, May 1994.

On Active Learning for Data Acquisition, Z. Zheng and B. Padmanabhan, In Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Data Mining, 2002.

Active Sampling for Class Probability Estimation and Ranking, M. Saar-Tsechansky and F. Provost, Machine Learning 54:2 2004, 153-178.

The Learning-Curve Sampling Method Applied to Model-Based Clustering, C. Meek, B. Thiesson, and D. Heckerman, Journal of Machine Learning Research 2:397-418, 2002.

Active Sampling for Feature Selection, S. Veeramachaneni and P. Avesani, Third IEEE Conference on Data Mining, 2003.

Heterogeneous Uncertainty Sampling for Supervised Learning, D. Lewis and J. Catlett, In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Machine Learning, 148-156, 1994.

Learning When Training Data are Costly: The Effect of Class Distribution on Tree Induction, G. Weiss and F. Provost, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 19:315-354, 2003.

Active Learning using Adaptive Resampling, KDD 2000, 91-98.

Cost-Sensitive Learning

Types of Cost in Inductive Concept Learning, P. Turney, In Proceedings Workshop on Cost-Sensitive Learning at the Seventeenth International Conference on Machine Learning.

Toward Scalable Learning with Non-Uniform Class and Cost Distributions: A Case Study in Credit Card Fraud Detection, P. Chan and S. Stolfo, KDD 1998.


Learning when Data Sets are Imbalanced and When Costs are Unequal and Unknown, M. Maloof, in ICML Workshop on Learning from Imbalanced Datasets II, 2003.

Uncertainty Sampling Methods for One-class Classifiers, P. Juszcak and R. Duin, in ICML Workshop on Learning from Imbalanced Datasets II, 2003.

C4.5, Class Imbalance, and Cost Sensitivity: Why Under-Sampling beats Over-Sampling, C. Drummond and R. Holte, in ICML Workshop onLearning from Imbalanced Datasets II, 2003.

C4.5 and Imbalanced Data sets: Investigating the effect of sampling method, probabilistic estimate, and decision tree structure, N. Chawla, in ICML Workshop on Learning from Imbalanced Datasets II, 2003.

Wrapper-based Computation and Evaluation of Sampling Methods for Imbalanced Datasets, N. Chawla, L. Hall, and A. Joshi, in Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Utility-based Data Mining, 24-33, 2005.

Learning from Little: Comparison of Classifiers Given Little of Classifiers given Little Training, G. Forman and I. Cohen, in 8th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 161-172, 2004.

A Multiple Resampling Method for Learning from Imbalanced Data Sets, A. Estabrooks, T. Jo, and N. Japkowicz, in Computational Intelligence, 20(1), 2004.

A Study of the Behavior of Several Methods for Balancing Machine Learning Training Data, G. Batista, R. Prati, and M. Monard, SIGKDD Explorations, 6(1):20-29, 2004.

Class Imbalance versus Small Disjuncts, T. Jo and N. Japkowicz, SIGKDD Explorations, 6(1): 40-49, 2004.

Extreme Re-balancing for SVMs: a Case Study, B. Raskutti and A. Kowalczyk, SIGKDD Explorations, 6(1):60-69, 2004.

Generative Oversampling for Mining Imbalanced Datasets, A. Liu, J. Ghosh, and C. Martin, Third International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN-07), 66-72.

Computing Machinery and Intelligence

Class Imbalances: Are we Focusing on the Right Issue?, N. Japkowicz, in ICML Workshop on Learning from Imbalanced Datasets II, 2003.

Recommender Systems

Trust No One: Evaluating Trust-based Filtering for Recommenders, J. O’Donovan and B. Smyth, In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-05), 2005, 1663-1665.

Trust in Recommender Systems, J. O’Donovan and B. Symyth, In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI-05), 2005, 167-174.

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Generative Adversarial Networks are one of the most interesting and popular applications of Deep Learning. Here are the list of 10 papers on GANs that will give you a great introduction to GAN as well as a foundation for understanding the state-of-the-art. 

5 Must-read Papers on Product Categorization for Data Scientists:

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Key Papers in Deep RL:

Model-Free RL:

Deep Q-Learning

Policy Gradients

Deterministic Policy Gradients

Distributional RL

Policy Gradients with Action-Dependent Baselines

Path-Consistency Learning

Other Directions for Combining Policy-Learning and Q-Learning

Evolutionary Algorithms


Intrinsic Motivation

Unsupervised RL

Transfer and Multitask RL:



Model-Based RL:

Model is Learned

Model is Given


Scaling RL:

RL in the Real World:


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The 5 Algorithms for Efficient Deep Learning Inference on Small Devices:

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Data Quantization:

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Trained Ternary Quantization:

Neuro AI Papers:

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Human AI Interaction Papers:

Economics ML Papers:

Text Detection Papers:

Proteins ML Papers:


"Big data is at the foundation of all the megatrends that are happening." – Chris Lynch






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