Cash Portal is a revolutionary digital financial system. It has been designed and developed behind a series of computer algorithms that make it the safest and most durable digital ledger ever created.
Cash Portal is a decentralized and centralized financial system, attached to no country, regulated by no country, without geographical or cultural borders. It can be accessed by anyone with a smart phone. Cash Portal central can provide multiple services and functions. You can transfer it, invest in it, or use it for payment purposes.
Cash Portal eliminates the need for currency exchange and finance. With our universal system, you can redeem, buy, sell and spend anywhere in the world.
70% of the african world population is denied access to a bank account, but by 2020, almost all of them will have a cellphone. In certain parts of the world, women are not allowed to open a bank account, in other countries oppressed minorities have no access to banking. Others are haunted by their financial pasts: banking history, data clearinghouses, and credit checks can potentially prevent you from opening an account. With over 3.5 billion people in immediate need of a currency free of all borders, government decree, or threats of confiscation, Cash Portal a clear and effective solution.