- Melbourne, Australia
- https://ironstar.io
lagoon-images Public
Forked from uselagoon/lagoon-imagesThis repository builds the images used in Lagoon and local development environments
Dockerfile Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 15, 2022 -
pre-commit-govet Public
Simply provides a 'go vet' pre-commit hook which supports checking modules
Shell MIT License UpdatedDec 10, 2021 -
terraform-aws-gitlab-runner Public
Forked from cattle-ops/terraform-aws-gitlab-runnerTerraform module for AWS GitLab runners on ec2 (spot) instances
HCL MIT License UpdatedJan 8, 2020 -
drupal-south-2019 Public
Slides and other material from my "How to (not) get hacked" talk at DS 2019
kops Public
Forked from kubernetes/kopsKubernetes Operations (kops) - Production Grade K8s Installation, Upgrades, and Management
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 4, 2019 -
maxscale_exporter Public
Forked from 2itea/maxscale_exporterMaxscale exporter for Prometheus
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 8, 2019 -
terraform-provider-google Public
Forked from hashicorp/terraform-provider-googleTerraform Google Cloud Platform provider
Go Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedJul 3, 2019 -
operator-sdk Public
Forked from operator-framework/operator-sdkSDK for building Kubernetes applications. Provides high level APIs, useful abstractions, and project scaffolding.
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 19, 2019 -
homebrew-dockersync Public
Forked from EugenMayer/homebrew-dockersyncdocker-sync tools and libs for installation view homebew
Ruby Other UpdatedDec 31, 2018 -
external-storage Public
Forked from kubernetes-retired/external-storageExternal storage plugins, provisioners, and helper libraries
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 6, 2018 -
ec2-setup Public
A simple BASH utility to publish a Linux EC2 instance's hostname to Route 53 using IAM Roles
Shell GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedMay 12, 2018 -
react-styled-flexboxgrid Public
Forked from LoicMahieu/react-styled-flexboxgridGrid system based on styled-components and flexbox for React
JavaScript UpdatedApr 23, 2017 -
react-redux-jwt-auth-example Public
Forked from joshgeller/react-redux-jwt-auth-exampleSample project showing possible authentication flow using React, Redux, React-Router, and JWT
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 25, 2017 -
redux-auth Public
Forked from lynndylanhurley/redux-authComplete token authentication system for react + redux that supports isomorphic rendering.
JavaScript Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License UpdatedJan 23, 2017 -
kitchen-ec2 Public
Forked from test-kitchen/kitchen-ec2A Test Kitchen Driver for Amazon EC2
Ruby Other UpdatedNov 16, 2016 -
otakumike-ruby-lvm-attrib Public
Forked from gregsymons/di-ruby-lvm-attribFork of the ruby-lvm-attrib gem from git://rubyforge.org/ruby-lvm-attrib.git
Ruby UpdatedNov 9, 2016 -
vagrant-aws-otakumike Public
Forked from mitchellh/vagrant-awsUse Vagrant to manage your EC2 and VPC instances.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 8, 2016 -
serverspec-aws-resources Public
Forked from stelligent/serverspec-aws-resourcesSome serverspec resources to allow testing AWS resources.
cloudformation-demo Public
Slides and JSON from AWS Adelaide CloudFormation Introduction
JavaScript UpdatedAug 11, 2016 -
aws-winrm Public
A simple Packer configuration for deploying Windows securely with WinRM on AWS
aws-missing-tools Public
Forked from cloudavail/aws-missing-toolstools for managing AWS resources including EC2, EBS, RDS, IAM, CloudFormation and Route53.
Shell UpdatedMay 4, 2016 -
otakumike-ruby-lvm Public
Forked from gregsymons/di-ruby-lvmThis is a fork of the ruby-lvm gem found at git://rubyforge.org/ruby-lvm.git
Ruby UpdatedDec 9, 2015 -
dockersim Public
Dockersim.com is a simple terminal emulator for Docker, with pre-defined commands and responses used in a variety of example exercises.
chef-cookbooks Public
Forked from bkonkle/chef-cookbooksCookbooks for using Chef with Django on Ubuntu
HTML BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 3, 2011