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Merge pull request campbio#398 from zhewa/RELEASE_3_18
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Release 3 18
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joshua-d-campbell authored Nov 4, 2023
2 parents 92905bd + 8b9685f commit 50211da
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Showing 9 changed files with 131 additions and 130 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: celda
Title: CEllular Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Version: 1.14.2
Version: 1.18.1
Authors@R: c(person("Joshua", "Campbell", email = "[email protected]",
role = c("aut", "cre")),
person("Shiyi", "Yang", email="[email protected]", role = c("aut")),
Expand All @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Imports: plyr, foreach, ggplot2, RColorBrewer, grid, scales, gtable,
Rcpp, RcppEigen, uwot, enrichR, SummarizedExperiment,
MCMCprecision, ggrepel, Rtsne, withr,
scater (>= 1.14.4), scran, dbscan,
DelayedArray, stringr, ComplexHeatmap, multipanelfigure,
DelayedArray, stringr, ComplexHeatmap, gridExtra,
Suggests: testthat, knitr, roxygen2, rmarkdown, biomaRt, covr,
BiocManager, BiocStyle, TENxPBMCData, singleCellTK, M3DExampleData
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppEigen
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 7.2.1
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
biocViews: SingleCell, GeneExpression, Clustering, Sequencing, Bayesian, ImmunoOncology, DataImport
NeedsCompilation: yes
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ importFrom(matrixStats,logSumExp)
Expand Down
71 changes: 32 additions & 39 deletions R/moduleHeatmap.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
#' ordered from those with the lowest probability of the module on the left to
#' the highest probability on the right. Features are ordered from those
#' with the highest probability in the module
#' on the top to the lowest probability on the bottom. Use of
#' \link[multipanelfigure]{save_multi_panel_figure} is recommended for
#' outputting figures in various formats.
#' on the top to the lowest probability on the bottom.
#' @param x A numeric \link{matrix} of counts or a
#' \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment}
#' with the matrix located in the assay slot under \code{useAssay}.
Expand All @@ -20,7 +18,7 @@
#' Multiple modules can be included in a vector. Default \code{NULL} which
#' plots all module heatmaps.
#' @param featureModule Same as \code{modules}. Either can be used to specify
#' the modules to display.
#' the modules to display.
#' @param col Passed to \link[ComplexHeatmap]{Heatmap}. Set color boundaries
#' and colors.
#' @param topCells Integer. Number of cells with the highest and lowest
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,11 +87,11 @@
#' vector of the same length as \code{featureModule}. Default "auto", which
#' automatically pulls module labels from \code{x}.
#' @param moduleLabelSize Passed to \link{gpar}. The size of text (in points).
#' @param width Passed to \link[multipanelfigure]{multi_panel_figure}. The
#' width of the output figure.
#' @param height Passed to \link[multipanelfigure]{multi_panel_figure}. The
#' height of the output figure.
#' @param unit Passed to \link[multipanelfigure]{multi_panel_figure}. Single
#' @param byrow Passed to \link{matrix}. logical. If \code{FALSE} (the default)
#' the figure panel is filled by columns, otherwise the figure panel is filled
#' by rows.
#' @param top Passed to \link[gridExtra]{marrangeGrob}. The title for each page.
#' @param unit Passed to \link[grid]{unit}. Single
#' character object defining the unit of all dimensions defined.
#' @param ncol Integer. Number of columns of module heatmaps. If \code{NULL},
#' then this will be automatically calculated so that the number of columns
Expand All @@ -103,20 +101,19 @@
#' then rasterization will be automatically determined by the underlying
#' \link[ComplexHeatmap]{Heatmap} function. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param returnAsList Boolean. If \code{TRUE}, then a list of plots will be
#' returned instead of a single multi-panel figure. These plots can be
#' returned instead of a single multi-panel figure. These plots can be
#' displayed using the \link[grid]{grid.draw} function. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \link[ComplexHeatmap]{Heatmap}.
#' @return A \link[multipanelfigure]{multi_panel_figure} object if plotting
#' @return A list object if plotting
#' more than one module heatmaps. Otherwise a
#' \link[ComplexHeatmap]{HeatmapList} object is returned.
#' @importFrom methods .hasSlot
#' @importFrom multipanelfigure multi_panel_figure
#' @export
useAssay = "counts",
altExpName = "featureSubset",
modules = NULL,
modules = NULL,
featureModule = NULL,
col = circlize::colorRamp2(c(-2, 0, 2),
c("#1E90FF", "#FFFFFF", "#CD2626")),
Expand All @@ -137,8 +134,8 @@ setGeneric("moduleHeatmap",
showModuleLabel = TRUE,
moduleLabel = "auto",
moduleLabelSize = NULL,
width = "auto",
height = "auto",
byrow = TRUE,
top = NA,
unit = "mm",
ncol = NULL,
useRaster = TRUE,
Expand All @@ -150,8 +147,7 @@ setGeneric("moduleHeatmap",
#' @rdname moduleHeatmap
#' @examples
#' data(sceCeldaCG)
#' moduleHeatmap(sceCeldaCG, width = 250, height = 250,
#' displayName = "rownames")
#' moduleHeatmap(sceCeldaCG, displayName = "rownames")
#' @export
signature(x = "SingleCellExperiment"),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,20 +175,20 @@ setMethod("moduleHeatmap",
showModuleLabel = TRUE,
moduleLabel = "auto",
moduleLabelSize = NULL,
width = "auto",
height = "auto",
byrow = TRUE,
top = NA,
unit = "mm",
ncol = NULL,
useRaster = TRUE,
returnAsList = FALSE,
...) {

# 'modules' is an easier parameter name to remember so we include
# support for both.
# 'modules' is an easier parameter name to remember so we include
# support for both.
if(!is.null(modules)) {
featureModule <- modules

altExp <- SingleCellExperiment::altExp(x, altExpName)

counts <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(altExp, i = useAssay)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,12 +281,12 @@ setMethod("moduleHeatmap",
# If there is more than 1 module selected, then the miniumum size
# size will be caculated for each module. This will ensure that
# all modules will have the same rowFontSize and the module
# heatmaps will have the same width.
# heatmaps will have the same width.
maxlen <- max(unlist(lapply(featureIndices, length)))
maxlen <- maxlen * sqrt(length(featureIndices))
rowFontSize <- rep(min(200 / maxlen, 20), length(featureIndices))
} else {
# If there is only one plot or each plot will be generated
# If there is only one plot or each plot will be generated
# separately and returned in a list, then the size of the labels,
# will be caculated for each module separately.
len <- unlist(lapply(featureIndices, length))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,7 +326,7 @@ setMethod("moduleHeatmap",
} else {
if (is.null(ncol)) {
ncol <- floor(sqrt(length(plts)))
ncol <- floor(sqrt(length(plts)))
nrow <- ceiling(length(plts) / ncol)

Expand All @@ -340,22 +336,19 @@ setMethod("moduleHeatmap",
wrap.grobs = TRUE)

if(isTRUE(returnAsList)) {
figure <- plts
if (isTRUE(returnAsList)) {
figure <- plts
} else {
figure <- multipanelfigure::multi_panel_figure(
columns = ncol,
rows = nrow,
width = width,
height = height,
unit = unit)

for (i in seq(length(plts))) {
figure <- suppressMessages(multipanelfigure::fill_panel(figure,
plts[[i]], label = ""))
figure <- gridExtra::marrangeGrob(plts,
ncol = ncol,
nrow = nrow,
layout_matrix = matrix(seq_len(nrow * ncol),
nrow = nrow,
ncol = ncol,
byrow = TRUE),
top = NA)

Expand Down
120 changes: 66 additions & 54 deletions R/splitModule.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
#' @param x A \linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment} object
#' with the matrix located in the assay slot under \code{useAssay}.
#' Rows represent features and columns represent cells.
#' @param module Integer. The module to be split.
#' @param useAssay A string specifying which \link{assay}
#' slot to use for \code{x}. Default "counts".
#' @param altExpName The name for the \link{altExp} slot
#' to use. Default "featureSubset".
#' @param module Integer. The module to be split.
#' to use. Default \code{"featureSubset"}.
#' @param n Integer. How many modules should \code{module} be split into.
#' Default 2.
#' Default \code{2}.
#' @param seed Integer. Passed to \link[withr]{with_seed}. For reproducibility,
#' a default value of 12345 is used. If NULL, no calls to
#' \link[withr]{with_seed} are made.
Expand All @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
#' @export
useAssay = "counts",
altExpName = "featureSubset",
n = 2,
seed = 12345) {

Expand All @@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ setGeneric("splitModule",
#' @export
setMethod("splitModule", signature(x = "SingleCellExperiment"),
useAssay = "counts",
altExpName = "featureSubset",
n = 2,
seed = 12345) {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,54 +92,66 @@ setMethod("splitModule", signature(x = "SingleCellExperiment"),
counts <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(x, i = useAssay)
counts <- .processCounts(counts)
ix <- SummarizedExperiment::rowData(x)$celda_feature_module == module

if (sum(ix) > 1) {
tempModel <- .celda_G(
counts = counts[ix, , drop = FALSE],
L = n,
yInitialize = "random",
splitOnIter = -1,
splitOnLast = FALSE,
nchains = 1,
verbose = FALSE)

splitY <- celdaClusters(tempModel)$y
splitIx <- celdaClusters(tempModel)$y > 1
splitY[splitIx] <- S4Vectors::metadata(x)$celda_parameters$L +
splitY[splitIx] - 1
splitY[!splitIx] <- module

newY <- as.integer(
newY[ix] <- splitY
newL <- max(newY)

newLl <- .logLikelihoodcelda_G(
counts = counts,
y = newY,
L = newL,
beta = S4Vectors::metadata(x)$celda_parameters$beta,
delta = S4Vectors::metadata(x)$celda_parameters$delta,
gamma = S4Vectors::metadata(x)$celda_parameters$gamma)
model <- methods::new(
clusters = list(y = newY),
params = list(
L = newL,
beta = S4Vectors::metadata(x)$celda_parameters$beta,
delta = S4Vectors::metadata(x)$celda_parameters$delta,
gamma = S4Vectors::metadata(x)$celda_parameters$gamma,
countChecksum = .createCountChecksum(counts)
names = list(row = rownames(x),
column = colnames(x),
sample = x@metadata$celda_parameters$sampleLevels),
finalLogLik = newLl
} else {
stop("Module ", module, "contains <= 1 feature. No additional",
" splitting was able to be performed.")

L <- S4Vectors::metadata(x)$celda_parameters$L
y <- as.numeric(SummarizedExperiment::rowData(x)$celda_feature_module)
ix <- y == module

if (sum(ix) < n) {
stop("Module ", module, " contains less than ", n, " features. ",
"Module splitting was not performed.")

tempModel <- .celda_G(
counts = counts[ix, , drop = FALSE],
L = n,
yInitialize = "random",
splitOnIter = -1,
splitOnLast = FALSE,
nchains = 1,
verbose = FALSE

# Need to set some of the features to the original module number.
# The remaining features need to have "L + something" as they represent
# a new module. Note that there may be more than 1 new module.
splitY <-
splitIx <- splitY > 1
splitY[splitIx] <- L + splitY[splitIx] - 1
splitY[!splitIx] <- module

# Set up new y and L
newY <- y
newY[ix] <- splitY
newL <- max(newY)

newLl <- .logLikelihoodcelda_G(
counts = counts,
y = newY,
L = newL,
beta = S4Vectors::metadata(x)$celda_parameters$beta,
delta = S4Vectors::metadata(x)$celda_parameters$delta,
gamma = S4Vectors::metadata(x)$celda_parameters$gamma

model <- methods::new(
clusters = list(y = factor(newY, seq(newL))),
params = list(
L = newL,
beta = S4Vectors::metadata(x)$celda_parameters$beta,
delta = S4Vectors::metadata(x)$celda_parameters$delta,
gamma = S4Vectors::metadata(x)$celda_parameters$gamma,
countChecksum = .createCountChecksum(counts)
names = list(
row = rownames(x),
column = colnames(x),
sample = x@metadata$celda_parameters$sampleLevels
finalLogLik = newLl

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion inst/rmarkdown/CeldaCG_PlotResults.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ require(kableExtra)
sce <- params$sce
Expand Down

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