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Adding Celda module-based analysis tutorial
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ykoga07 committed Aug 16, 2024
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123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions vignettes/articles/SCTK_Modules_Seurat_Tutorial.Rmd
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title: "Celda module analysis tutorial"
author: "Salam AlAbdullatif"
date: "2024-07-19"
output: html_document

```{r setup, include=TRUE}
#Load library
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

## Convert Seurat Object to an SingleCellExperiment (SCE) object (Optional)

While Celda provides the functionality for cell cluster generation, some users may opt to import cluster labels generated from the popular Seurat pipeline. ( We can apply the `convertSeuratToSCE` function contained within the SingleCellTK package for the object conversion.

```{r, warning=FALSE}
#Seurat pipeline (Taken from
##Read in 10X output, PBMC 3K <- Read10X(data.dir = "./filtered_gene_bc_matrices/hg19/")
##Create Seurat object
pbmc <- CreateSeuratObject(counts =, project = "pbmc3k", min.cells = 3, min.features = 200)
##Normalize data
pbmc <- NormalizeData(pbmc, verbose = FALSE)
##Feature selection
pbmc <- FindVariableFeatures(pbmc, verbose = FALSE)
##Linear transformation
pbmc <- ScaleData(pbmc, verbose = FALSE)
pbmc <- RunPCA(pbmc, verbose = FALSE)
pbmc <- RunUMAP(pbmc, dims = 1:10, verbose = FALSE)
##Generate clusters
pbmc <- FindNeighbors(pbmc, dims = 1:10, verbose = FALSE)
pbmc <- FindClusters(pbmc, resolution = 0.5, verbose = FALSE)

#Convert the Seurat object to a SingleCellExperiment object
pbmcSce <- convertSeuratToSCE(pbmc, normAssayName = "logcounts")

## Generating feature modules from pre-determined clusters

Generate Celda feature modules based on cell clusters that you have provided through the `recursiveSplitModule` function:

#Convert Seurat cluster IDs, as Celda requires clusters be numeric vectors starting from 1 (Seurat cluster 0 = Celda cluster 1)
pbmcSce$seurat_clusters <- as.numeric(as.character(pbmcSce$seurat_clusters)) + 1
pbmcSce <- selectFeatures(pbmcSce)
#Run recursiveSplitModule; Seurat clusters will be imported in the zInit parameter.
rsmRes <- recursiveSplitModule(x = pbmcSce, useAssay = "counts", altExpName = "featureSubset", initialL = 2, maxL = 30, zInit = pbmcSce$seurat_clusters, verbose = FALSE)

#Identify the optimal L (number of modules) using the elbow plot

A heuristic method that may be applied to identify the optimal number of modules. Based on the elbow plot, the rate of the perplexity change levels off around L = 12 ~ 15. For this tutorial, we will choose L = 15 for the number of modules.

#Subset Celda object
sce <- subsetCeldaList(rsmRes, list(L = 15))

featureTable <- featureModuleTable(sce, useAssay = "counts", altExpName = "featureSubset")
kable(featureTable, style = "html", row.names = FALSE) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped") %>%
scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "500px")

For instance, we can see that each module represents a set of co-expressing features, such as module L7 (B lymphocytes - CD79A, MS4A1, TCL1A) and module L8 (NK cells - NKG7, GNLY)

## Run DE on Modules

Differential expression tools can also be used on the gene modules in order to identify the modules that define each cell cluster. To do this, first run the `factorizeMatrix` function, which will generate a matrix that measures the contribution of each gene module to each cell population.

```{r DE modules, message=FALSE}
factorize <- factorizeMatrix(sce, useAssay = "counts", altExpName = "featureSubset")
### Take the module counts, log-normalize, then use for DE, violin plots, etc
factorizedCounts <- factorize$counts$cell
factorizedLogcounts <- normalizeCounts(factorizedCounts)
reducedDim(sce, "factorizeMatrix") <- t(factorizedLogcounts)
sce <- runFindMarker(sce, useReducedDim = "factorizeMatrix", cluster = "seurat_clusters", useAssay = NULL)

The differential expression results are contained within `sce@metadata$findMarker`. The `Gene` column denotes the differentially expressed module, whilst the `Log2_FC` column denotes the level of upregulation of the module in the cluster.

```{r DE module table, message=FALSE}
kable(sce@metadata$findMarker, style = "html", row.names = FALSE) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped") %>%
scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "500px")

## Generate a Decision Tree

To identify which modules distinguish which clusters, we can use use decision trees implemented in the `findMarkersTree` function. Upon applying the celda algorithm, we will use the generated factorized counts for the modules (a matrix of modules x cells) and cluster labels, as an input to the findMarkersTree function.

```{r, message=FALSE}
classes <- as.integer(celdaClusters(sce)) # needs to be an integer vector
DecTree <- findMarkersTree(factorizedCounts, classes)

The output decision tree can be visualized through a dendrogram using the `plotDendro` function:

```{r, warning=FALSE}

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