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Fix inline match on blocks with multiple statements (scala#20125)
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Only the last expression of the block is considered as the inlined
scrutinee. Otherwise we may not reduce as much as we should. We also
need to make sure that side effects and bindings in the scrutinee are
not duplicated.

Inlined are converted into blocks to be able to apply the previous
semantics without breaking the tree source files.

Fixes scala#18151
nicolasstucki authored Apr 10, 2024


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2 parents adf089b + 530f775 commit d71a347
Showing 5 changed files with 154 additions and 38 deletions.
101 changes: 63 additions & 38 deletions compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/inlines/Inliner.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -860,46 +860,71 @@ class Inliner(val call: tpd.Tree)(using Context):
case _ => sel.tpe
val selType = if (sel.isEmpty) wideSelType else selTyped(sel)
reduceInlineMatch(sel, selType, cases.asInstanceOf[List[CaseDef]], this) match {
case Some((caseBindings, rhs0)) =>
// drop type ascriptions/casts hiding pattern-bound types (which are now aliases after reducing the match)
// note that any actually necessary casts will be reinserted by the typing pass below
val rhs1 = rhs0 match {
case Block(stats, t) if t.span.isSynthetic =>
t match {
case Typed(expr, _) =>
Block(stats, expr)
case TypeApply(sel@Select(expr, _), _) if sel.symbol.isTypeCast =>
Block(stats, expr)
case _ =>

/** Make an Inlined that has no bindings. */
def flattenInlineBlock(tree: Tree): Tree = {
def inlineBlock(call: Tree, stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree): Block =
def inlinedTree(tree: Tree) = Inlined(call, Nil, tree).withSpan(tree.span)
val stats1 =
case stat: ValDef => cpy.ValDef(stat)(rhs = inlinedTree(stat.rhs))
case stat: DefDef => cpy.DefDef(stat)(rhs = inlinedTree(stat.rhs))
case stat => inlinedTree(stat)
cpy.Block(tree)(stats1, flattenInlineBlock(inlinedTree(expr)))

tree match
case tree @ Inlined(call, bindings, expr) if !bindings.isEmpty =>
inlineBlock(call, bindings, expr)
case tree @ Inlined(call, Nil, Block(stats, expr)) =>
inlineBlock(call, stats, expr)
case _ =>

def reduceInlineMatchExpr(sel: Tree): Tree = flattenInlineBlock(sel) match
case Block(stats, expr) =>
cpy.Block(sel)(stats, reduceInlineMatchExpr(expr))
case _ =>
reduceInlineMatch(sel, selType, cases.asInstanceOf[List[CaseDef]], this) match {
case Some((caseBindings, rhs0)) =>
// drop type ascriptions/casts hiding pattern-bound types (which are now aliases after reducing the match)
// note that any actually necessary casts will be reinserted by the typing pass below
val rhs1 = rhs0 match {
case Block(stats, t) if t.span.isSynthetic =>
t match {
case Typed(expr, _) =>
Block(stats, expr)
case TypeApply(sel@Select(expr, _), _) if sel.symbol.isTypeCast =>
Block(stats, expr)
case _ =>
case _ => rhs0
case _ => rhs0
val rhs2 = rhs1 match {
case Typed(expr, tpt) if rhs1.span.isSynthetic => constToLiteral(expr)
case _ => constToLiteral(rhs1)
val rhs2 = rhs1 match {
case Typed(expr, tpt) if rhs1.span.isSynthetic => constToLiteral(expr)
case _ => constToLiteral(rhs1)
val (usedBindings, rhs3) = dropUnusedDefs(caseBindings, rhs2)
val rhs = seq(usedBindings, rhs3)
inlining.println(i"""--- reduce:
|--- to:
typedExpr(rhs, pt)
case None =>
def guardStr(guard: untpd.Tree) = if (guard.isEmpty) "" else i" if $guard"
def patStr(cdef: untpd.CaseDef) = i"case ${cdef.pat}${guardStr(cdef.guard)}"
val msg =
if (tree.selector.isEmpty)
em"""cannot reduce summonFrom with
| patterns : ${"\n ")}"""
em"""cannot reduce inline match with
| scrutinee: $sel : ${selType}
| patterns : ${"\n ")}"""
errorTree(tree, msg)
val (usedBindings, rhs3) = dropUnusedDefs(caseBindings, rhs2)
val rhs = seq(usedBindings, rhs3)
inlining.println(i"""--- reduce:
|--- to:
typedExpr(rhs, pt)
case None =>
def guardStr(guard: untpd.Tree) = if (guard.isEmpty) "" else i" if $guard"
def patStr(cdef: untpd.CaseDef) = i"case ${cdef.pat}${guardStr(cdef.guard)}"
val msg =
if (tree.selector.isEmpty)
em"""cannot reduce summonFrom with
| patterns : ${"\n ")}"""
em"""cannot reduce inline match with
| scrutinee: $sel : ${selType}
| patterns : ${"\n ")}"""
errorTree(tree, msg)

override def newLikeThis(nestingLevel: Int): Typer = new InlineTyper(initialErrorCount, nestingLevel)
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions compiler/test/dotty/tools/backend/jvm/InlineBytecodeTests.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -785,4 +785,36 @@ class InlineBytecodeTests extends DottyBytecodeTest {

@Test def inline_match_scrutinee_with_side_effect = {
val source = """class Test:
| inline def inlineTest(): Int =
| inline {
| println("scrutinee")
| (1, 2)
| } match
| case (e1, e2) => e1 + e2
| def test: Int = inlineTest()

checkBCode(source) { dir =>
val clsIn = dir.lookupName("Test.class", directory = false).input
val clsNode = loadClassNode(clsIn)

val fun = getMethod(clsNode, "test")
val instructions = instructionsFromMethod(fun)
val expected = List(
Field(GETSTATIC, "scala/Predef$", "MODULE$", "Lscala/Predef$;"),
Ldc(LDC, "scrutinee"),
Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "scala/Predef$", "println", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V", false),

assert(instructions == expected,
"`i was not properly inlined in `test`\n" + diffInstructions(instructions, expected))


10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions tests/pos/i18151a.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
case class El[A](attr: String, child: String)

transparent inline def inlineTest(): String =
inline {
val el: El[Any] = El("1", "2")
El[Any](el.attr, el.child)
} match
case El(attr, child) => attr + child

def test: Unit = inlineTest()
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions tests/pos/i18151b.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
case class El[A](val attr: String, val child: String)

transparent inline def tmplStr(inline t: El[Any]): String =
inline t match
case El(attr, child) => attr + child

def test: Unit = tmplStr {
val el = El("1", "2")
El[Any](el.attr, null)
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions tests/pos/i18151c.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import scala.compiletime.*
import scala.compiletime.ops.any.ToString

trait Attr
case object EmptyAttr extends Attr
transparent inline def attrStr(inline a: Attr): String = inline a match
case EmptyAttr => ""
transparent inline def attrStrHelper(inline a: Attr): String = inline a match
case EmptyAttr => ""
trait TmplNode
case class El[T <: String & Singleton, A <: Attr, C <: Tmpl](val tag: T, val attr: A, val child: C)
extends TmplNode
case class Sib[L <: Tmpl, R <: Tmpl](left: L, right: R) extends TmplNode
type TmplSingleton = String | Char | Int | Long | Float | Double | Boolean
type Tmpl = TmplNode | Unit | (TmplSingleton & Singleton)
transparent inline def tmplStr(inline t: Tmpl): String = inline t match
case El(tag, attr, child) => inline attrStr(attr) match
case "" => "<" + tag + ">" + tmplStr(child)
case x => "<" + tag + " " + x + ">" + tmplStr(child)
case Sib(left, right) => inline tmplStr(right) match
case "" => tmplStr(left)
case right => tmplStrHelper(left) + right
case () => ""
case s: (t & TmplSingleton) => constValue[ToString[t]]
transparent inline def tmplStrHelper(inline t: Tmpl): String = inline t match
case El(tag, attr, child) => inline (tmplStr(child), attrStr(attr)) match
case ("", "") => "<" + tag + "/>"
case (child, "") => "<" + tag + ">" + child + "</" + tag + ">"
case ("", attr) => "<" + tag + " " + attr + "/>"
case (child, attr) => "<" + tag + " " + attr + ">" + child + "</" + tag + ">"
case Sib(left, right) => tmplStrHelper(left) + tmplStrHelper(right)
case () => ""
case s: (t & TmplSingleton) => constValue[ToString[t]]
transparent inline def el(tag: String & Singleton): El[tag.type, EmptyAttr.type, Unit] =
El(tag, EmptyAttr, ())
extension [T <: String & Singleton, A <: Attr, C <: Tmpl](el: El[T, A, C])
transparent inline def >>[C2 <: Tmpl](child: C2) = El(el.tag, el.attr, el.child ++ child)

extension [L <: Tmpl](left: L) transparent inline def ++[R <: Tmpl](right: R) = Sib(left, right)

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