HTML/XML parser and web scraper for NodeJS.
Uses native libxml C bindings
Clean promise-like interface
Supports CSS 3.0 and XPath 1.0 hybrids in a single selector
Powerful JQuery-like CSS extensions
No large dependencies like jQuery, cheerio, or jsdom
Supports deep and complex data structures
HTML parser features
- Fast parsing
- Very fast searching
- Small memory footprint
HTML DOM features
- Load and search ajax content
- DOM interaction and events
- Execute embedded and remote scripts
- Execute code in the DOM
HTTP request features
- Logs urls, redirects, and errors
- Cookie jar and custom cookies/headers/user agent
- Login/form submission, session cookies, and basic auth
- Single proxy or multiple proxies and handles proxy failure
- Retries and redirect limits
##Example: scrape all craigslist listings
var osmosis = require('osmosis');
.find('h1 + div a')
.find('header + div + div li > a')
.paginate('.totallink + a.button.next:first')
.find('p > a')
'title': 'section > h2',
'description': '#postingbody',
'subcategory': 'div.breadbox > span[4]',
'date': 'time@datetime',
'latitude': '#map@data-latitude',
'longitude': '#map@data-longitude',
'images': ['img@src']
.data(function(listing) {
// do something with listing data
For documentation and examples check out https://github.com/rc0x03/node-osmosis/wiki
- libxmljs-dom - DOM wrapper for libxmljs C bindings
- needle - Lightweight HTTP wrapper
##Donate Donations will accelerate development and improve the quality and stability of this project.
###Donation offers:
- $15 - A custom Osmosis scraper to extract the data you need efficiently and in as few lines of code as possible.
- $25/month - Become a sponsor. Your company will be listed on this page. Priority support and bug fixes.