Intro to Coding is a project that I'm working on with the goal of making coding education easier, modern, free, and accessible to all students. Right now I'm working on creating a simple online coding environment, and in the future I hope to create interactive, hands-on lessons built on top of this framework.
This started when I helped the new technology teacher at my high school create a new coding curriculum based off of Python 3, and now I'm hoping to take that curriculum and make hands-on interactive lessons online.
This project was made with React and TypeScript.
The editor is using Monaco (React version), the same editor built in to your favorite code editor, VS Code.
The terminal is made using Xterm.js, also used by VS Code.
Python is compiled in the browser using Skuplt, which I made into a custom hook for easy access.
The file system is still in development.
And so is everything else.