A Django-based stock analysis tool using the Python AlphaVantage API Wrapper.
- AlphaVantage.co - Documentation
- AlphaVantage API Python Wrapper - Github
- Plotly.js - Documentation
- Change data acquiring in client to Ajax and add refresh button with plots.
- Filter Intraday data for only current day
- Separate symbol model to: type, symbol, exchange (optional), slug.
- Add technical indicators and TI plots
- Be able to view basic information in the tracked list
- Create dashboard page:
- User tracked symbols (watchlist)
- Popular symbols
- Tickers and time series from tracked symbols
- Find ways to get company information (name, sector, etc) dynamically from the stock ticker
- Update secwiki?
- Find ways to get company market cap
- Find ways to get stock % fall/rise
- Create user model extending Django's model
- Allow Google Sign-in
- Send confirmation email (necessary?)
- Restrict registration (for now)
- Require sign-in for dashboard etc.
- Change @login_required to @permission_required