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Uchat is a revolutionary full-stack chat app Built completely on Rust, while leveraging the capabilities of WASM

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Uchat is a revolutionary full-stack chat app Built completely on Rust, while leveraging the capabilities of WASM

Demo video is available here


The design/ directory contains some design-related files:

Initial Setup

If you are on Windows, using WSL is recommended to manage build dependencies and tooling.


If you haven't installed Rust yet, you can do so using rustup and then install cargo.

Compiling Rust for the browser also requires adding the wasm32 compilation target:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown


This project uses PostgreSQL for the database. Please follow the official instructions for how to install PostgreSQL on your system.


Trunk is a tool to build and bundle Rust WASM applications. Install with:

cargo install --locked trunk

# Apple M1 users also need to install this:
cargo install --locked wasm-bindgen-cli


Diesel is a Rust SQL query builder for working with the database.

Make sure you have installed PostgreSQL before proceeding.

Install Diesel with:

cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres

If you receive build or linker errors, make sure you install libpq. This may be packaged separately depending on your operating system and package manager (libpq-dev on Ubuntu/WSL, for example).

Create new database

Create a .env file in the workspace directory containing:

API_DATABASE_URL = postgres://DATABASE_USER:PASSWORD@localhost/uchatfinal
API_URL = ""

# development only
DATABASE_URL = postgres://DATABASE_USER:PASSWORD@localhost/uchatfinal
TEST_DATABASE_URL = postgres://DATABASE_USER:PASSWORD@localhost/uchatfinal_test

Substitute these:

  • DATABASE_USER: role created to access PostgreSQL
  • PASSWORD: your password to login to the database (omit :PASSWORD if not using a password)

After the .env is ready, run this command to create the database:

diesel setup


This project uses Tailwind CSS for utility classes. To use Tailwind, you'll need to install npm to use the npx command.

(Optional) just

just is a command runner which can simplify running different development commands. Install with:

cargo install just



To build the documentation:

cargo doc -F docbuild

There is a minor bug in the published version of a transitive dependency. Enabling the docbuild feature is a temporary workaround until the dependency gets updated.

Check / Clippy

Check the two different targets (frontend and backend):

cargo check -p frontend --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo check --workspace --exclude frontend

Run clippy for the two different targets (frontend and backend):

cargo check -p frontend --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo check --workspace --exclude frontend

Project Init

This will check for the dependencies listed above and attempt to install the Rust dependencies. Dependencies which require manual install will provide a link to installation instructions.

cargo run -p project-init

Development Server

To run a dev server for the frontend and open a new browser window:

trunk serve --open

To run the backend server:

cargo run -p uchat_server

Build for production

To build the project for distribution:

trunk --config Trunk-release.toml build
cargo build --release --workspace --exclude frontend

Now run the following:

trunk serve --release --config Trunk-release.toml

Switch to Uchat-app/target/release/ and run:



To create database migrations, run:

diesel migration generate MIGRATION_NAME

The migrations will get created in data/migrations/timestamp_MIGRATION_NAME/. Add your SQL for applying the migration to up.sql and the SQL for reverting the migration to down.sql.

After adding your migration code to up.sql and down.sql, apply the migration with:

diesel migration run

To make sure you down.sql works, run this command to revert and then reapply the migration:

diesel migration redo

After creating a new migration, delete the testing database using:

psql -d postgres -c 'DROP DATABASE uchat_test;'


Uchat is a revolutionary full-stack chat app Built completely on Rust, while leveraging the capabilities of WASM







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