A simple skeleton PHP project, using composer and other tools like PHPUnit (ver 3.7.x)
Lastest versión:
v0.9.9.4 2015-01-27 19:39 UTC
php: >=5.4.3 pimple/pimple: 1.1.1 ext-curl: *
phpunit/phpunit: 3.7.x-dev mockery/mockery: dev-master phake/phake: 1.* ext-sqlite3: * phpunit/dbunit: >=1.2 phpunit/phpunit-selenium: >=1.2 facebook/webdriver: dev-master sensiolabs/security-checker: dev-master hot/phpunit-runner: dev-master
ext/xdebug: Debugger and profiling
You need install composer (http://getcomposer.org/)
$ curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php $ php composer.phar install
If you install composer globally (http://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#globally), you should be use packagist :) (http://packagist.org/)
$ composer(.phar) create-project isidromerayo/simple_php_skeleton my_project_name
All-in-one install and check (inspired by https://gist.github.com/cordoval :)
$ curl -s https://raw.github.com/gist/3612021/272f75c0f8fe76008c6c2f4c124aa35d7182f728/simple_php_skeleton.sh | sh
$ composer(.phar) update
Create your test under "tests" directory. Create your code under "src" directory.
To run all test
$ bin/phpunit -c tests
If you want to use ant (and only phpunit task)
$ ant phpunit
Too use code coverage you need install XDebug extension (http://xdebug.org/)
$ bin/phpunit -c tests/phpunit-codecoverage.xml.dist
$ ant -f build-composer.xml
The report for code coverage build/logs/junit.xml
Require: WebDriver and add selenium server dependency and Java :) To add dependency into project:
$ composer(.phar) require edysanchez/selenium-server
By default minimal enviroment (unit + integration), to launch "complete" with Selenium the steps:
- Launch Selenium RC Server
$ bin/selenium-server.jar
- Launch test with custom configuration phpunit file (another terminal window)
$ bin/phpunit -c tests/phpunit-complete.xml.dist
You should remove "Acme" namespace ;)
Note: Test on Ubuntu 12.04/14.04 (Gnome Shell and XFCE)
You can try to autotest with Guard PHPUnit2
$ gem install guard-phpunit2
To launch, simple:
$ guard
The configuration file is Guardfile :)
More info https://github.com/ramon/guard-phpunit2
Revised project:
- Update doc
- Remove hot-phpunit-runner (no works :()
Remove selenium server, you should be add in composer.json dependency
"edysanchez/selenium-server": "dev-master",
To launch selenium server
Test hot-phpunit-runner for autotest using PHP, try to remove guard-phpunit2
hot/phpunit-runner dev-master requires php >=5.4.0, but skeleton_php_project requires >=5.3.3
Example test doubles: Stubs and Mocks Add Selenium RC Server Listener to calculate time execution (https://gist.github.com/isidromerayo/5115136)
Add template to Jenkins CI http://jenkins-php.org/
Add basic Scrutinizer (https://scrutinizer-ci.com/).
Add Phake (Test Doubles) to composer.json and autotest with Guard PHPUnit2 (gem).
Script post install to remove .git
Restructure to divide test into: unit, integration and functional
Add "Security Advisories Checker" https://security.sensiolabs.org/
Remove functional test because we need minimal enviroment to kata(yunos). Selenium RC will be another project (skeleton_PHP_testing)
Change autoload to PSR-0 in src/ Reorganize phpunit.xml files and ant task
Add Selenium RC and test demo
Change vendor/bin to bin
Change "require" to "require-dev"
Add "suggest" to install XDebug
Update gist
Add a Dependency Injection Container for PHP (Pimple)
Selenium Extension: