This is a public repository for the 8BIT community to contribute, maintain, share, and improve extra assets specifically for Standard.
Example assets include:
- Localization files
- Logos
- Backgrounds
- Header images
- Advertisement images
- Layouts
We welcome all of the above and more.
- Using your favorite GitHub client, fork this repository
- Place the directory in a location that's convenient for you
- Add your assets in the proper location. Create a directory if one doesn't already exist.
- Commit your theme to the repository and create a pull request
- 8BIT will merge your pull request
8BIT has published a series of blog posts specifically targeting new developers or new users of GitHub.
To get started, be sure to read the series in its entirety.
As soon as we have time to merge the pull request.
No. This responsibility falls on the developer or the designer. We're simply providing a way for our community to openly and freely contribute to Standard.
Shoot us a question at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]?subject=[8BIT Child Theme Repository]+I+have+a+question!)