This project follows the usual rules of the traditional Guess Who game. The user is presented with a board featuring a set of characters.
The computer picks a secret character. The user must guess who it is by selecting questions about the character's traits (from a drop-down menu).
The non-matching characters are filtered after each question. At any moment, the user has the chance to make a guess on the secret character. If the guess is wrong, the computer wins.
This game is composed of 60% Javascript. It was made to practice objects, arrays, functions and loops.
- Array of objects containing the characters, featuring several traits
- A board that gets generated as soon as the page loads
- A filtering function that discards the characters in different ways (depending on whether the values are strings or arrays)
- Alerts responding to the user's questions
- An additional screen the user gets sent to after making a final guess
Initially attempted to make the project from scratch without using the clues on the project brief. Started by writing the pseudocode.
Decided to follow the project brief in the end.
Struggled with certain items due to lack of attention to detail, like:
- A typo on the "accessories" category
- Not realizing that the user needs to click on an option in the drop-down menu in order to initiate the game
- Misplacing the generateBoard( ) function
A big shout out to my bootcamp classmates, who with their fresh pair of eyes helped me find these small details.