- Budapest, Hungary
- http://iszlai.github.io/
the-engineering-managers-booklist Public
Forked from jesselpalmer/the-engineering-managers-booklistBooks for people who are or aspire to manage/lead team(s) of software engineers
6502-emulator Public
Forked from tdinucci/6502-emulatorAn Understandable 6502 Emulator
tinyraytracer Public
Forked from ssloy/tinyraytracerA brief computer graphics / rendering course
kaefka Public
Kafka streams based distributed caching
productino Public
A library for testing in production
bashttpd Public
Forked from avleen/bashttpdA web server written in bash
hyperapp Public
Forked from jorgebucaran/hyperapp1 KB JavaScript library for building web applications.
captainduckduck Public
Forked from caprover/caproverAutomated Scalable Ready Webserver Package | In experimental phase
linkerd-examples Public
Forked from linkerd/linkerd-examplesExamples of how to configure and run linkerd
abstract-algorithm Public
Forked from VictorTaelin/abstract-algorithmOptimal evaluator of λ-calculus terms.
git-also Public
Forked from anvaka/git-alsoFor a `file` in your git repository prints other files that are most often committed together
SkyHussars Public
Forked from ZoltanTheHun/SkyHussarsSkyHussars - Combat Flight Game powered by jMonkey
falcon Public
Forked from lengstrom/falconChrome extension for full text browsing history search!
terrain Public
Forked from mewo2/terrainFantasy map generator
jcql Public
Forked from fmbenhassine/jqlJava code linting with SQL
distsys-class Public
Forked from aphyr/distsys-classClass materials for a distributed systems lecture series
1 UpdatedApr 6, 2016 -
JavaForSmallTeams Public
Forked from ncredinburgh/JavaForSmallTeamsGuidance on writing "good" server side java