edgerouter script to test load balancer [eth0|eth1] and fix the AT&T modem if link goes down.
CBA850 Dual SIM setup. SIM1: AT&T << Primary SIM2: AT&T
Recover the AT&T connection by disabling and the reenabling SIM1. SIM1 will drop, SIM2 will connect. SIM2 will FAILBACK after XXX seconds.
Load Balance eth0 and eth1 using wizard
eth0: CBA850 - AT&T
eth1: TMobile Modem
Copy scripts to /config/scripts
TODO: Improve script and timing to be ore resilient TODO: PING test on specific interface
set load-balance group G interface eth0 route-test count failure 1
set load-balance group G interface eth0 route-test count success 3
set load-balance group G interface eth0 route-test initial-delay 60
set load-balance group G interface eth0 route-test interval 30
set load-balance group G interface eth0 route-test type script /config/scripts/wani.sh
set load-balance group G interface eth0 weight 70
set load-balance group G interface eth1 weight 30
set load-balance group G lb-local enable
set load-balance group G lb-local-metric-change disable
Common commands:
scp wani.sh user@ip:/config/scripts/wani.sh
ssh user@ip
show load-balance watchdog
show load-balance status
tail -f /var/logs/messages
show configuration commands