- 19127363 - Lê Văn Đông
- 20127004 - Huỳnh Minh Bảo
- 20127600 - Lưu Tuấn Quân
Project Paint allows users to draw shapes, delete, undo, redo and save them as binary or as a picture (png).
- Design patterns: Singleton, Factory, Abstract factory, prototype
- Plugin architecture
- Delegate & event
- Basic graphic objects: Line, Rectangle, Ecllipse
- Dynamically load all graphic objects that can be drawn from external DLL files -> Lê Văn Đông
- The user can choose which object to draw (rectangle, ecllipse and line) -> Lê Văn Đông
- The user can see the preview of the object they want to draw -> Lê Văn Đông
- The user can finish the drawing preview and their change becomes permanent with previously drawn objects -> Lê Văn Đông
- The list of drawn objects can be saved and loaded again for continuing later in BINARY format -> Lưu Tuấn Quân
- Save and load all drawn objects as an image in png format (rasterization). -> Lưu Tuấn Quân
- Allow the user to change the color, pen width, stroke type (dash, dot, dash dot dot...) -> Lê Văn Đông
- Fill color by boundaries -> Lê Văn Đông
- Erase each object individually -> Lê Văn Đông
- Zooming -> Huỳnh Minh Bảo
- Undo (Ctrl Z), Redo (Ctrl Y) for each action -> Huỳnh Minh Bảo
- 19127363 - Lê Văn Đông - 10
- 20127004 - Huỳnh Minh Bảo - 10
- 20127600 - Lưu Tuấn Quân - 10