A high preformance, low memory usage, archetyped based ECF/ECS library for C#.
Whaaaat?! Aren't there enough ECS libraries out there!
While Frent's implementation is an archetype based ECS, thats not why Frent was made. Frent is primarily an ECF - Entity Component Framework - that allows you to easily use composition for code reuse rather than inheritance with minimal boilerplate. Think Unity's Monobehavior powered by the principles and speed of an ECS, as well as less boilerplate.
Want to write systems anyways? Frent also has a Systems API that allows you to query entities in the style of an ECS.
Frent is still in beta and is not completely stable.
using Frent;
using Frent.Components;
using System.Numerics;
using World world = new World();
Entity entity = world.Create<Position, Velocity>(new(Vector2.Zero), new(Vector2.One));
//Call Update to run the update functions of your components
// Position is (1, 1)
record struct Position(Vector2 Value);
record struct Velocity(Vector2 Delta) : IComponent<Position>
public void Update(ref Position position) => position.Value += Delta;
Wanna learn more? Check out the docs!
Frent is a lot faster than most C# ECS implementations - Benchmark.
- Entity struct the size of a 64 bits
- Up to 127 components per entity
- Getting, Adding, and Removing components
- Classes as components
- Structs as components
- Deconstructing entities
- Component memory stored contiguously (when using structs)
- Get/Has/TryGet O(1) and highly optimised
- Pass in uniform data e.g.,
- Deconstructing entities
- Zero reflection
- AOT Compatible
- Built in Uniform Provider implementation
- Non-Generic Entity Creation
- Entity Tags
- World Update Filtering
- Command buffer
- Component/Tag Add/Remove Events (with generic version)
- Automatic structual change management during queries
- Comprehensive docs
- 100% Test coverage
- More samples, examples, & explanations!
- Multithreading
for even faster speeds!
Wanna help?
Report bugs, suggest APIs, and give general feedback. Just open an issue before starting a large feature.