This repository contains both my Major and Minor Project during my DataScience Internship (Trainee) at Corizo.
Predicting the Quality of Red Wine using Machine Learning Algorithms for Regression Analysis, Data Visualizations and Data Analysis. This dataset can be viewed as Classification/Regression task as the classes are ordered and not balanced i.e., number of intermediate quality wine are more than good/bad quality ones.
The art of forecasting stock prices has been a difficult task for many of the researchers and analysts. In fact, investors are highly interested in the research area of stock price prediction. For a good and successful investment, many investors are keen on knowing the future situation of the stock market. Good and effective prediction systems for the stock market help traders, investors, and analyst by providing supportive information like the future direction of the stock market.
In this project, We performed feature engineering to extract these features from the raw data such as price change, price range, moving averages to train a linear regression model. We evaluated the performance of our model using mean squared error (MSE) metric, which measures the difference between the true and predicted values, indicating that it was able to make predictions with reasonable accuracy.