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Web library for date and time input without JavaScript.


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input-dt is a library for datetime input. You can use it without JavaScript. Easy to use with PHP.

  • A custom element
  • Framework independent
  • Automatically localized
  • Dark mode support
  • Date periods support
  • Customizable
スクリーンショット 2024-04-07 205616 スクリーンショット 2024-04-07 2056582

Basic usage

Import js and css files beforehand. This is an example of importing from a CDN.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/input-dt-min.css">
<script type="module" src="[email protected]/input-dt-min.js"></script>

To start, write an input[type="text"] tag and enclose it in an input-dt tag. You can optionally add attributes to the input-dt tag.

Next, add the input-dt attribute to the input[type="text"].

The picker is added as the last element of the input-dt.

<label for="calender">Datetime:</label>
  <input type="text" name="calender" input-dt>

More examples

See the examples directory for examples in HTML only, Bootstrap, Vue.js, React, Jito, and PHP.

Import for Node.js

npm i input-dt

Import js and css at entry point.

import 'input-dt'
import 'input-dt/input-dt.css'

Attributes for child elements

Attribute Description
input-dt This attribute can be attached to input[type="text"] or input[type="datetime-local"], which opens the picker when the focus is set. It will also fire an input event whenever any datetime is selected. Optionally supports formatting. The supported formats are described below.
input-dt-open If this attribute is specified, the picker will be opened when the element is clicked.
input-dt-clear If this attribute is specified, clicking on the element will clear the date/time value.
input-dt-display If this attribute is specified, each time a datetime is selected, the element's children are overwritten with text nodes representing the datetime. Optionally supports formatting. The supported formats are described below.
input-dt-value When associated with an element, it updates the value of the element when a date/time is selected. Optionally supports formatting. The supported formats are described below.

Attributes for the input-dt element

The input-dt element provides several attributes. These are default values and also detect dynamic changes.

Attribute Description
value Value selected by input-dt.
min Minimum number of selectable dates. By default, New Year's Day 120 years ago.
A comma-separated list of dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD and a selector string identifying other dt-picker elements. If multiple dates are given, the most recent date is used.
max Maximum selectable dates. By default, the last day of the year after 10 years.
A comma-separated list of dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD and a selector string identifying other dt-picker elements. If multiple dates are given, the earliest date is used.
disable List of dates that cannot be selected.
A comma-separated list of dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD and a selector string identifying other dt-picker elements.
hours Options for the hour.
minutes Options for the minute.
seconds Options for the second.
unit Minimum unit of datetime. day - date picker only, or hour, minute, second(default).
locales A locale identifier used for all parts of the modal. By default, it will be the default locale of the web browser.
first-day First day of the week. An integer, between 0 and 6. By default, this is the default locale of the web browser. However, FireFox is not supported, so the value is 0.
background Normally, a modal is closed by clicking somewhere other than the modal. This is done by receiving the click event of the document. Therefore, if there is an element that stops the propagation of events, the modal will not close.
If the background attribute is set to true, a filter that closes the modal on click will cover the entire screen.
autoclose If set to true, the modal will only close when a date is selected in the date picker only.

All supported formats

input-dt, input-dt-display and input-dt-value support formatting as attribute values. See the following table. If you do not specify a format, it defaults to the localized format.

Format Output Note
yy 26 The 2-digit year
yyyy 2026 The 4-digit year
YYYY 2026 The full year
M 1 to 12 The numeric month
MM 01 to 12 The 2-digit month
D 1 to 31 The numeric day of month
DD 01 to 31 The 2-digit day of month
H 0 to 23 The numeric hour
HH 00 to 23 The 2-digit hour
m 0 to 59 The numeric minute
mm 00 to 59 The 2-digit minute
s 0 to 59 The numeric second
ss 00 to 59 The 2-digit second

Customize Style

You can easily change the style.

Simple Customize

You can customise colours using CSS custom properties.

.input-dt {
  --input-dt-color: #FFF;
  --input-dt-background: #323232;
  --input-dt-highlight: rgb(136, 214, 83);
  --input-dt-disable: #777;
  --input-dt-outside: #BBB;
  --input-dt-outside-visibility: visible;
  --input-dt-font-family: serif;

CSS overwrite

You can use the developer tool or other tools to find out the used class name and override it.


Setting Properties

When the input-dt element is accessed via JavaScript, several properties are available.

Property Type Description
value Date | null Value selected by input-dt.
min Date | null Minimum selectable dates. By default, New Year's Day 120 years ago. If a null value is assigned, it is initialized to the default value.
max Date | null Maximum selectable dates. By default, the last day of the year after 10 years. If a null value is assigned, it is initialized to the default value.
disable Date[] List of dates that cannot be selected.
hours number[] | null Options for the hour.
minutes number[] | null Options for the minute.
seconds number[] | null Options for the second.
unit string Minimum unit of datetime. day - date picker only, or hour, minute, second(default).
locales string | null A locale identifier used for all parts of the modal. By default, it will be the default locale of the web browser.
firstDay number | null First day of week. By default, it will be the default locale of the web browser.
background boolean See the background attribute.
autoclose boolean See the autoclose attribute.
modal Element Read-only. A property for direct access to the elements of a modal.
format (date: Date) => string Write-only. It is possible to change the display of input-dt or input-dt-display. If used, the format attribute becomes invalid.
formatYear (date: number) => string Write-only. It is possible to change the text portion displaying the year and the year options.
formatMonth (date: number) => string Write-only. It is possible to change the text portion displaying the month and the month options.
formatWeek (value: number) => string Write-only. The display text of week headings in the calendar can be changed.
formatDay (date: Date) => string Write-only. The text of each day of the calendar can be changed.
formatHour (value: number) => string Write-only. The text of the hour options can be changed.
formatMinute (value: number) => string Write-only. The text of the minute options can be changed.
formatSecond (value: number) => string Write-only. The text of the second options can be changed.
renderYear (value: number, flags: Flags) => Element Write-only. The entire element of the year option can be replaced.
renderMonth (value: number, flags: Flags) => Element Write-only. The entire element of the month option can be replaced.
renderWeek (value: number) => Element Write-only. It is possible to change the elements of the calendar week headings in their entirety.
renderDate (date: Date, flags: Flags) => Element Write-only. It is possible to change the elements of each day of the calendar in its entirety.
renderHour (value: number, flags: Flags) => Element Write-only. The entire element of the hour option can be replaced.
renderMinute (value: number, flags: Flags) => Element Write-only. The entire element of the minute option can be replaced.
renderSecond (value: number, flags: Flags) => Element Write-only. The entire element of the second option can be replaced.

The Flags type has the following properties

  • isSelected - This value is the currently selected.
  • isWeekend - renderDate only. It is the weekend as determined by the current locale.
  • isInside - renderDate only. This date is inside the currently selected years and months.
  • isOutside - renderDate only. This date is outside the currently selected years and months.
  • isDisabled - renderDate only. This date has been disabled.

These properties can be used to create a new custom element as follows.

import { InputDt } from 'input-dt'

export class InputDtJa extends InputDt {
  constructor() {
    this.locales = 'ja'

window.customElements.define('input-dt-ja', InputDtJa)


The input-dt element receives an input event each time a date/time is selected.

At the same time, input-dt also sends an input event to input elements with input-dt.


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