Mi-dukaan is an E-commerce website where users can browse products, sort products by category and price, add products to cart, Save Products for later, Leave Reviews of products, order, and pay for the product. It also includes a site management system for admin. Razorpay is used as a Payment.
- Browse Products (featured, price)
- Browse products price (Low to High, High to Low)
- Cart management (Save to cart, Save for later)
- Sign in using Google and Twitter (Social Login)
- Easy Checkout System
- My Order History
- Change Password
- Users can rate products.
- Search products
- Dashboard (Graphical report of recent activities.
- Product Management (product, categories)
- Order Management
- Payment Management
- The automatic product availability status and more...
- Laravel 8.x
- Vue 2.x
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If you discover a security vulnerability within Mi-dukaan, please send an e-mail to Shakil Alam via [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
The mi-dukaan is open-sourced webapp licensed under the MIT license.