Essentially another dockerised JMX Exporter image, this uses alpine-java and dumb-init to provide a relatively small image (approx 130Mb) and includes a released version of jmx_exporter from the maven central repository
docker build -t sscaling/jmx-exporter .
docker run --rm -p "5556:5556" sscaling/jmx-exporter
Then you can visit the metrics endpoint: (assuming docker is running on localhost)
By default, the jmx-exporter is configure to monitor it's own metrics (as per the main repo example). However, to provide your own configuration, mount the YAML file as a volume
docker run --rm -p "5556:5556" -v "$PWD/config.yml:/opt/jmx_exporter/config.yml" sscaling/jmx-exporter
The configuration options are documented:
Additionally, the following environment variables can be defined
- SERVICE_PORT - what port to run the service (if you don't like 5556)
- JVM_OPTS - any additional options, Xmx etc.
- CONFIG_YML - override the location of config.yaml (default: /opt/jmx_exporter/config.yml which monitors jmx exporter's jvm)
Minimal example config:
scrape_interval: 10s
evaluation_interval: 10s
- job_name: 'jmx'
- targets: