Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
- Natal
- http://www.docente.ufrn.br/ivanovitch.silva
- @ivanovitchm
- Pro
seminar_tinyml Public
Seminar - TinyML and Internet of Intelligent Vehicles
datastructure Public
Repository for DCA0209, an undergraduate course about Data Structure and Algorithms
PPGEEC2318 Public
Repository for EEC2318, a graduate course on PPgEEC about Machine Learning
f1_clash Public
Repository used to share knowledge about the game F1 Clash.
mlops Public
Repository for DCA0305, an undergraduate course about Machine Learning Workflows and Pipelines
ppgeec_machinelearning_plus Public
This is a repository for a machine learning supplementary course to EEC1509, which is a graduate course offered by PPgEEC/UFRN.
datascienceintroduction Public
A brief introduction course about data science
embedded.ai Public
Repository for DCA0306, an undergraduate course about Embedded Artifical Intelligence
ppgeecmachinelearning Public
Repository for EEC1509, a graduate course on PPgEEC about Machine Learning
high_income Public
An end-to-end machine learning pipeline
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 26, 2022 -
ne40-ia Public
Curso tem caráter de pós-graduação lato sensu e faz parte do “Programa de Revitalização da Indústria Nordestina - NE4.0”
mlops_nd_c3 Public
A MLOps workflow to classify incomes based on publicly available Census Bureau data.
nd0821-c3-starter-code Public
Forked from udacity/nd0821-c3-starter-codePython Other UpdatedFeb 16, 2022 -
nd0821-c2-build-model-workflow-starter Public
Forked from udacity/nd0821-c2-build-model-workflow-starterStarter Code for the Course 2 project of the Udacity ML DevOps Nanodegree Program
Python Other UpdatedDec 1, 2021 -
deeplearning Public
Repository for IMD1114, an undergraduate course about Deep Learning
eec2003 Public
Repository for EEC2003, a graduate course on PPgEEC about Fundamentals of Deep Learning
DetectionCausalRelationshipsTimeSeries Public
Forked from ruteee/DetectionCausalRelationshipsTimeSeriesCode for paper "A method for detecting causal relationships between industrial alarm variables using Transfer entropy and K2-Algorithm"
covid19 Public
Forked from flaviovdf/covid19Estimativas de R(t) por Estados do Brasil
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 10, 2021 -
datascience2020.6 Public
Repository for IMD0905 2020.6, an undergraduate course about Data Science