Although, I have made some simple single layer linear regression and logistic regression models, this is the first machine learning based application I made.
This application uses Pytorch as the machine learning framework
After cloning the repository and navigating to the directory,
If you're using raw python,
$ python -m venv <environment_name>
$ <environment_name>\Scripts\activate.bat
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
or if you are using anaconda,
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate <environment_name>
$ python
The dataset used is MNIST dataset.
The model has:
nodes in input layer100
nodes in hidden layer10
nodes in output layer
The model uses:
Activation for the hidden layersoftmax
Activation for the output layerCross Entropy
Loss function
The model is trained with:
Learning Rate = 0.05
Epochs = 1500