- Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.IvonGames.ClashtheCube
- AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/clash-the-cube/id1553756560
Merging similar cubes together is one of the best activity in the world. In this game, your goal is to combine cubes with the same number and color together. Don't worry about the maximum number of the cube, the game is endless so you can achieve unbelievable numbers.
This game is based on event-driven architecture and ScriptableObject variables described here Unity Unite 2017
This repository contains only source codes, no payed assets are included! Also sounds and music is not included.
To build and run the game you have to add necessary assets into the Assets/Plugins/
- Beautify 2
- Skybox Extended Shader
- Databox
- DOTween
- DoozyUI
- GUI PRO Kit - Casual Game
- In-game Debug Console
- POLYGON Particle FX
- Simple Fade Scene Transition System
- X-Frame FPS Accelerator
Also you will need to put the following assets into Assets/