A simple low-level ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 (update 2015) encoding and decoding utility library. Written in Typescript for Node.
Install package
npm install --save node-nist
Encoding and decoding are described separately but they share many concepts.
In particular, nistEncode
and nistDecode
return a result (they do not throw exceptions).
A Result
is a TypeScript discriminated union where a Success
is tagged with tag === 'success'
and a Failure
with tag === 'failure'
In fact, Result
is very similar to Either
monad known from functional programming languages.
and nistDecode
could work on the NIST object alone. But they work best when codec
options are specific as their second argument. This way you can specify default values and impose
validation checks on individual NIST fields.
The default charset for encoding and decoding is utf-8
. Refer to an example below how
to specify an alternative charset codec.
- Encode a simple NIST object containing only Type-1 and Type-2 records:
import { nistEncode, NistFile } from 'node-nist';
const nist: NistFile = {
1: {
2: '0502', // version
4: 'CRM', // TOT
5: '20190717', // date
7: 'DAI035454', // DAI
8: 'ORI38574354', // ORI
9: 'TCN2487S054', // TCN
2: {
4: 'John',
5: 'Doe',
7: '1978-05-12',
const encodeResult = nistEncode(nist, {});
if (encodeResult.tag === 'success') {
const buffer = encodeResult.value;
// perform action on successfull encode, such as sending out the buffer
} else {
const error = encodeResult.error;
// perform action on unsuccessfull encode, such as logging an error
- Encode a NIST object with a different set of Type-2 record fields, containing also two fingerprints:
import { nistEncode, NistFile } from 'node-nist';
const nist: NistFile = {
1: {
2: '0300', // version
4: 'IDN', // TOT
5: '20190722', // date
7: 'ABIS', // DAI
8: 'MID00001', // ORI
9: 'SEN20190722093422-IDE-00040', // TCN
2: {
901: 'MID00001',
4: [
3: '0', // flat finger
4: ['7'], // left index finger
9: 'fingerprint binary data',
3: '0', // flat finger
4: ['2'], // right index finger
9: 'fingerprint binary data',
const encodeResult = nistEncode(nist, {});
if (encodeResult.tag === 'success') {
const buffer = encodeResult.value;
// perform action on successfull encode, such as sending out the buffer
} else {
const error = encodeResult.error;
// perform action on unsuccessfull encode, such as logging an error
- Encode a NIST object containing two fingerprints. Specify also NistEncodeOptions which are used to automatically populate default values and to check whether the input NIST object conforms to all the validation rules.
import { nistEncode, NistEncodeOptions, NistFile } from 'node-nist';
const nistEncodeOptions: NistEncodeOptions = {
codecOptions: {
MAP: {
// TOT-specific encode options
1: {
6: {
defaultValue: '5',
mandatory: true,
regexs: [{ regex: '^[1-9]{1}$', errMsg: 'Expected a number between 1 and 9' }],
default: {
1: {
2 /* ver */: {
defaultValue: '0502', // conforming to ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 edition 3 update 2015
formatter: (field: NistField) => String(field.value).padStart(4, '0'),
mandatory: true,
maxLength: 4,
minLength: 3,
regexs: [{ regex: '^[0-9]{3,4}$', errMsg: 'Expected three or four digits' }],
4 /* tot */: {
mandatory: true,
maxLength: 16,
5 /* dat */: {
mandatory: true,
regexs: [{ regex: '^[0-9]{8}$', errMsg: 'Expected eight digits' }],
6 /* pry */: {
mandatory: false,
regexs: [{ regex: '^[1-9]{1}$', errMsg: 'Expected a number between 1 and 9' }],
7 /* dai */: {
mandatory: true,
8 /* ori */: {
mandatory: true,
9 /* tcn */: {
mandatory: true,
10 /* tcr */: {
mandatory: false,
11 /* nsr */: {
defaultValue: (field: NistField, nist: NistFile) => getFingerprintResolution(nist),
mandatory: true,
regexs: [{ regex: '^[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}$', errMsg: 'Expected a string in format dd.dd' }],
12 /* ntr */: {
defaultValue: (field: NistField, nist: NistFile) => getFingerprintResolution(nist),
mandatory: true,
regexs: [{ regex: '^[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}$', errMsg: 'Expected a string in format dd.dd' }],
4: {
3 /* imp */: {
mandatory: true,
4 /* fgp */: {
mandatory: true,
5 /* isr */: {
defaultValue: '0', // 500 ppi
mandatory: true,
6 /* hll */: {
defaultValue: () => getHorizontalScanningLine(),
mandatory: true,
7 /* vll */: {
defaultValue: () => getVerticalScanningLine(),
mandatory: true,
8 /* cga */: {
defaultValue: '1', // WSQ
mandatory: true,
const nist: NistFile = {
1: {
2: '0300', // version
4: 'MAP', // TOT
5: '20190722', // date
7: 'ABIS', // DAI
8: 'MID00001', // ORI
9: 'SEN20190722093422-IDE-00040', // TCN
2: {
901: 'MID00001',
4: [
3: '0', // flat finger
4: ['7'], // left index finger
9: 'fingerprint binary data',
3: '0', // flat finger
4: ['2'], // right index finger
9: 'fingerprint binary data',
const encodeResult = nistEncode(nist, {});
if (encodeResult.tag === 'success') {
const buffer = encodeResult.value;
// perform action on successfull encode, such as sending out the buffer
} else {
const error = encodeResult.error;
// perform action on unsuccessfull encode, such as logging an error
- Encode a simple NIST object from an alternative charset, such as
, instead of the defaultutf-8
import { nistEncode, NistFile } from 'node-nist';
const nist: NistFile = {
1: {
2: '0502', // version
4: 'CRM', // TOT
5: '20190717', // date
7: 'DAI035454', // DAI
8: 'ORI38574354', // ORI
9: 'TCN2487S054', // TCN
2: {
4: 'ג ‘ורג’',
5: 'קימברלי',
7: '1978-05-12',
const customEncoder = (informationItem: NistInformationItem): Buffer => {
// Your encoding logic, possibly utilizing an external library.
const nistEncodeOptions: NistEncodeOptions = {
codecOptions: {
default: {
2: {
4 /* first name */: {
informationEncoder: (informationItem: NistInformationItem) => customEncoder,
mandatory: true,
5 /* surname */: {
informationEncoder: (informationItem: NistInformationItem) => customEncoder,
mandatory: true,
const encodeResult = nistEncode(nist, {});
if (encodeResult.tag === 'success') {
const buffer = encodeResult.value;
// perform action on successfull encode, such as sending out the buffer
} else {
const error = encodeResult.error;
// perform action on unsuccessfull encode, such as logging an error
- Traditional (binary) encoding is used; NIEM-conformant (XML) is not supported.
- Supported records: Type-1, Type-2, Type-4, Type-9, Type-10, Type-13, Type-14.
- Only one Type-2 record is supported.
- Information designation character (IDC) is automatically generated during encoding (linking of records is not supported).
- All Type-1 fields must be 7-bit ASCII.
- Only UTF-8 is supported for other record types.
- Only one Friction ridge generalized position (FGP, 4.004) is supported per one Type-4 record.
- Limit of the encoded NIST file length is 1 GB.
- Limit of the encoded NIST file length is 4 GB, as given by a size of one single Node Buffer.