This is a book milling application or website.
This individual project is to develop a mashup-based application or app by integrating Web APIs.
I got the inspiration when I was looking up originals to improve my English. Nowadays a growing number of English-learners tend to read original books not only for handling examination, also for interests. Pitifully there has no specified website or application providing such sources or simply recommendation. So I aim to develop a simple app called “BookMining”. It’s also possible that I might change another name later on. :p
Get recommendations from New York Times Best-sellers and USA Today Best-Selling Books ( or others ) Link with Douban Book Reviews, which is in Chinese, so that readers can quickly decide which book they prefer Detailed information, such as ISBN, author name, labels, etc Keyword searching Price information, which I decide only display the price of ebook
USA Today Best-Selling Books API ( XML )
New York Times Best Sellers API (JSON) 0
"copyright":"Copyright (c) 2011 The New York Times Company. All Rights Reserved.",
"list_name":"Trade Fiction Paperback",
"display_name":"Paperback Trade Fiction",
"description":"A hacker and a journalist investigate the disappearance
of a Swedish heiress.",
"contributor":"by Stieg Larsson",
"author":"Stieg Larsson",
"publisher":"Vintage Crime/Black Lizard",
"list_name":"Trade Fiction Paperback",
"display_name":"Paperback Trade Fiction",
"title":"WOLF HALL",
"description":"Thomas More and Thomas Cromwell clash in the court
of Henry VIII; winner of the 2009 Man Booker Prize.",
"contributor":"by Hilary Mantel",
"author":"Hilary Mantel",
Google Books API
豆瓣Api V2 ( JSON )
Luzme API (XML)
feedbooks free e-book
GoodReads book.show_by_isbn — Get the reviews for a book given an ISBN Get the reviews for a book given an ISBN Get an xml or json response that contains embed code for the iframe reviews widget that shows excerpts (first 300 characters) of the most popular reviews of a book for a given ISBN. The reviews are from all known editions of the book. URL: (sample url) HTTP method: GET Parameters: format: xml or json callback: function to wrap JSON response if format=json key: Developer key (required only for XML). user_id: USER_ID (required only for JSON) isbn: The ISBN of the book to lookup. rating: Show only reviews with a particular rating (optional)
Example code for using json with callback:
<script type="text/javascript">
function myCallback(result) {
alert('nb of reviews for book: ' +;
var scriptTag = document.createElement('script');
scriptTag.src = "";
key: UOiW7hPGIzrS2aZttMlz2g
#豆瓣数据结构 通过isbn获取数据 get view-source:
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