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The xTuple ERP Desktop Client Application

Build Status for xtuple/qt-client This repository contains the source code for the xTuple ERP desktop client. xTuple ERP is a collection of programs designed to help you run your business.

Getting Help

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Development Quickstart

Our supported development environment using vagrant can be found here. If you prefer a different flavor of linux or a native build environment, here's a brief description of how to set up a development environment:

  • Install Postgres 9.1, including libraries and header files. We strongly suggest that you build from source.
    • Start here and use the File Browser to get a source bundle for 9.1.x.
    • Follow the instructions for installing from source code.
    • We recommend the following configuration options:
        $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql/09.1.14 --with-perl --with-openssl --with-readline --with-libxml --with-libxslt
  • Get a Postgres server instance up and running
  • Download the latest PostBooks demo database and pg_restore it so you have some data to test with.
  • Install Qt 4.8 (not Qt 5!). We strongly recommend that you build from source. If you plan to work with credit cards and use a Mac, you must build Qt from source and patch the SSL sources.
    • Download Qt. If you don't see version 4.8 listed, click on the Show Downloads button and scroll down.
    • Install Qt
    • We recommend the following configuration options (the -I and -L options must match the --prefix option used when configuring Postgres):
        $ ./configure -qt-zlib -qt-libtiff -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libjpeg -plugin-sql-psql -plugin-sql-odbc -plugin-sql-sqlite -I /usr/local/pgsql/09.1.14 -L /usr/local/pgsql/09.1.14 -lkrb5 -webkit -fontconfig -continue -nomake examples -nomake demos -prefix $HOME/Qt/Qt4.8.6
  • Get the source code for the desktop client from xtuple's qt-client repository. See our Git Usage guidelines for more information. The desktop client requires OpenRPT and CSVImp, which are included as git submodules, so don't forget
        $ git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Build:
        $ cd openrpt && qmake && make
        $ cd ../csvimp && qmake && make
        $ cd .. && qmake && make

Warning: If you open Qt Designer to view or edit a .ui user interface file, check the widget palette before you do anything else. If there is no section for xTuple widgets, quit immediately without saving any changes. Otherwise you risk losing important information about the user interface definition.


On some Linux distributions you can build the desktop client using OpenRPT and CSVImp development packages instead of compiling in the openrpt and csvimp directories. In these cases, set the following environment variables:

  • OPENRPT_HEADERS names the directory where the OpenRPT header files are installed
  • OPENRPT_LIBDIR names the directory where the OpenRPT libraries are installed
  • OPENRPT_IMAGE_DIR names the directory where the OpenRPT images are installed
  • CSVIMP_HEADERS names the directory where the CSVImp header files are installed
  • OPENRPT_LIBDIR names the directory where the OpenRPT libraries are installed


Desktop Client







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