txZMQ allows to integrate easily ZeroMQ sockets into Twisted event loop (reactor).
Supports CPython and PyPy.
- ZeroMQ library >= 2.1 (heavily tested with 2.1.4)
Python packages required:
- pyzmq (for CPython)
- pyzmq-ctypes (for PyPy)
- Twisted
txZMQ introduces support for general ZeroMQ sockets by class ZmqConnection
that can do basic event loop integration, sending-receiving messages in
non-blocking manner, scatter-gather for multipart messages.
Special descendants of that class, ZmqPubConnection
and ZmqSubConnection
add special nice features for PUB/SUB sockets.
Request/reply pattern is achieved via XREQ/XREP sockets and classes ZmqXREQConnection
(by verterok).
Other socket types could be easily derived from ZmqConnection
import sys from optparse import OptionParser from twisted.internet import reactor, defer parser = OptionParser("") parser.add_option("-m", "--method", dest="method", help="0MQ socket connection: bind|connect") parser.add_option("-e", "--endpoint", dest="endpoint", help="0MQ Endpoint") parser.add_option("-M", "--mode", dest="mode", help="Mode: publisher|subscriber") parser.set_defaults(method="connect", endpoint="epgm://eth1;") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() from txZMQ import ZmqFactory, ZmqEndpoint, ZmqPubConnection, ZmqSubConnection import time zf = ZmqFactory() e = ZmqEndpoint(options.method, options.endpoint) if options.mode == "publisher": s = ZmqPubConnection(zf, e) def publish(): data = str(time.time()) print "publishing %r" % data s.publish(data) reactor.callLater(1, publish) publish() else: s = ZmqSubConnection(zf, e) s.subscribe("") def doPrint(*args): print "message received: %r" % (args, ) s.gotMessage = doPrint reactor.run()
The same example is available in source code:
examples/pub_sub.py --method=bind --endpoint=ipc:///tmp/sock --mode=publisher examples/pub_sub.py --method=connect --endpoint=ipc:///tmp/sock --mode=subscriber
Source code for txZMQ is available at github, forks and pull requests are welcome.
To start hacking, please install virtualenv
and pip
. In fresh checkout,
make env
(If your virtualenv
binary has different name, you can specify it via
variables: make env VIRTUALENV=virtualenv-2.7
This should make new virtual environment at env/
and install txZMQ and development requirements.
Run tests and style checks: