This repository provides codes for urdf, control and interface of On-Robot's RG2 gripper with ROS, MoveIt using UR10 manipulator. Link1: Link2:
- Author: Sharath Jotawar
- Email: [email protected]
- Video:
- Clone the dependencies
- robot_descriptions: Provides urdf xacro files for ur10 manipulator mounted with the RG2 gripper and kinect sensor.
- ur10_rg2_moveit_config: Moveit config package for the ur10 manipulator.
- ur_control: package for control operations for the manipulator. Provides service files, scripts for control and gripping action detection for RG2 gripper
- ur_modern_driver: Modified ur_ros_wrapper, ur_driver to provide ROS service server for interfacing with the gripper
About the urdf:
- The fingers of RG2 gripper cannot be moved in simulation(RViz or Gazebo) as the mesh file for the body and fingers are combined together.
- I shall modify and add a joint for the finger movement once i get separate STEP files for the fingers of the gripper.
- The urdf in its present can be utilized for collision detection during motion plans for manipulator.
Visualize in RViz:
- $ roslaunch ur10_rg2_moveit_config demo.launch
- or
- $roslaunch urdf_tutorial display.launch model:=robot_descriptions/description/ur10_robot_rg2_arc.urdf.xacro gui:=true
Connect the RG2 gripper with the UR manipulator. Now control opening width of Gripper in real, checking gripping action with ur_modern_driver:
- $ roslaunch ur_control ur10_control.launch robot_ip:=${robot_ip}
- $ rosrun ur_control
Control opening width in mm. Usual range 110 to 0 mm
- Open: $ rosservice call /rg2_gripper/control_width ur_control/RG2 110
- Close: $ rosservice call /rg2_gripper/control_width ur_control/RG2 0
To check whether an object has been gripped or not
- $ rosservice call /rg2_gripper/grip_detect ur_control/RG2_Grip