Dotfiles with ansible playbooks for the Debian(11) OS.
managed packages and configs inclucde
- emacs # extensible editor
- zsh # shell language
- python # development packages
- java # openjdk
- compton # compositor for transparency
- nodejs
- snap
- tmux # terminal session manager
- kubectl # kubernetes
- apt-packages
- docker # containers
- xmonad # tiling windows manager
- xmobar # task bar for xmonad
- rofi # application launcher and window switcher
- copyq # paste manager with suport for storing encrypted passwords
- rescuetime # to track time on OS
- wakatime # to track time in Editor(emacs)
- hugo # static site generator
- vim
- install Debian(11)
- install ansible with pip
pip3 install ansible
- clone this repository in "~/Code/personal/configs" directory
git clone [email protected]:jaavedd9/dotfiles.git
- Install ansible roles, from 'deploy' directory
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
- make sure "$HOME/.emacs.d" directory is removed, because this playbook will create a sysmlink from this repo's "emacs.d" directory to "$HOME/.emacs.d".
Reason for creating symlink instead of copying files to "$HOME/.emacs.d" directory is to avoid running ansible playbook after every change in emacs config - which I do frequently.
Change the ansible variables
and other variables which involvesworkstation_user
run playbook
from the deploy
ansible-playbook -i inventory local.yml --ask-become-pass