Automagic webpage reloader/refresher
- perl - tested with 5.16.2
- Mojolicious - modern perl framework for the web
- AnyEvent (pulled by the previous one by default)
Your web browser need to support WebSockets!
- Start the app:
- Add following to webpage:
<script src="http://localhost:3000/livereload"></script>
to port8888
on machine you launched the app (eg.:echo reload | nc localhost 8888
) -
Go to http://localhost:3000/ for demo page
You can use it in your favorite editor to reload the web page after saving the file (even automagically when editor supports adding custom actions after saving the file)
- moar docs!!!
- vim plugin
- configurable listening ports
- websocket connections pool
- queueing if not connected
- reloading specific urls only
- refreshing css without full page reload
- chrome/chromium plugin
- listen on unix socket
- cpanify and publish on CPAN