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📬 Wact

wAct is an actor composition framework for Nact that provides message and actor structure, common actor behaviour (like state machines), and supervision policies.

Wactors are made out of Nactors.

Nact is a compact message-oriented middleware which facilitates message based communication between isolated entities called actors. The actor model enables functional programming as it relegates all state mutations to the edge of the domain logic by using a sequential execution lifecycle within each actor.

Actors protect against concurrency problems caused by shared state and side-effects; essentially by treating your application as a distributed system.

You can use Wact with an existing Nact system by passing the nact system object to wact.bootstrap().


  • Failure isolation
  • State encapsulation
  • Reduced coupling
  • Recovery-oriented computing

All credit to Nick Cuthbert for the core of this package.

Where to start?

Wact's core specification is contained in src/actor-system.js. See Nact's javascript documentation for more details.


1. Actor Lifecycle

Messages to an actor are stored in a FIFO queue and operated on sequentially.

Actors execute a target function only upon receipt of a message. Stateful actors may mutate their own encapsulated state by returning the new state which will be fed to the target function on its next execution. Deterministic behaviour using function composition is achieved naturally within the target function - similar to a redux reducer.

NB Some rules which are not enforced by the library must be followed to maintain the reactive and side-effect resistant characteristics of actors. For example, messages should not contain functions which reference the state of another actor.

2. Framework

wAct builds actors using an action matching pattern which is structured similarly to a Redux or React hooks reducer. Instead of passing the message directly to the target function, wAct peforms a switch on the message type.

Where Nact's core features and metadata are contained within the parent actor system and actor context/members, wAct describes its features using common attributes on actor state and messages. It behaves more like a mixin or framework extension in this sense.

For example, the sink action defines a standardised type for response messages, allowing response parsing to be easily shared between actors using a single action method definition, as opposed to a blocking query or test of message contents in the target function.

wAct supports persistence and is completely compatible with actors built using Nact's actor primitive, as wActors actors are just Nactors with some wrapping code to build the target function at spawn time. wAct also makes the API for spawning Nactors available - spawn(), spawnStateless(), etc.

Actor Definitions

An actor definition is a plain object containing an actions property and a properties property.


Actions are simply Nact target functions: functions with the signature function(state, msg, ctx).


Functions can be made available in the actor context object to give all actions in an actor convenient access to common functions like replies.

Receivers are specified as a higher order function which accepts the message bundle { state, msg, ctx } as its only argument.

Receivers are specified as an array of receiver functions.

// Reply receiver HOF
const reply = ({ state, msg, ctx }) => (message) =>
  dispatch(ctx.sender, message, ctx.self);

const actor = {
  properties: {
    receivers: [reply],
  actions: {
    report: (msg, state, ctx) => {

Actor Composition

Actors can be composed by manually merging their definitions (actions and properties), commonly using the spread operator, or by passing their definitions to the adapt() or compose() methods, creating a new definition.

Constructing actor definitions using simple bags of properties simplifies inheritance and code reuse between actors.


Adapters are actor defintion mixins, usually included using the spread operator.

// My actor's unique properites
const actions = {...}; const properties = {...};

// ex1. Simple actions adapter
const myActorDefn = { actions: { ...actions, ...AdapterActions() }, properties };

// ex2. Adapter with complete defintion, actions & properties
const actorDefn = wact.adapt({ actions, properties }, AdapterDefinition());

If you want an actor, or a set of actions to be able to address messages to specific action methods, regardless of the addressee actor's external API, you can build an action directory.

const directory = action.buildDirectory({ action_send, action_queue });

function action_send(state, msg, ctx) => {
	dispatch(ctx.self, { type: directory.address(action_queue) }, ctx.self);

function action_queue(state, msg, ctx) => {
	return [...state, ctx.sender];

The directory maps methods to Symbols allowing the actions to be addressed by their method name. The directory can be exposed in the definition to be used by inheritors, or as a module used by other actors to address messages.

Why use closures instead of classes to define actors? Interface composition over inheritence. It also allows actions to consistently use this to refer to the message context, while also sharing some enclosing context.

Message Protocol

wAct provides a basic message protocol to facilitate common communication patterns such as:

  • issuing actions
  • request-response (sink/source)
  • pub-sub


  • Using wact to define service interface boundaries

Usage Hints

  • Actor definitions should use named functions for actions if they require access to the actor context. This can be useful for reducing code verbosity, but if you don't use this you're less likely to shoot yourself in the foot when piping actions / effects.

3. Future Work

Build wAct as a system extension (using the extension structure used to implement ctx.log and the persistence engine).

4. Rationale

Decoupled modules are easy to change. Temporal decoupling is difficult.

Actors break the modules of an application into a set of microservices that are able to make clear promises to other parts of the system and manage fatal errors within their own bounded fault context.

Services offer a clear contract with respect to their interface and errors.

For example, a transaction management service might promise to ensure the transaction is processed by a remote system, managing any network availability issues, thus requiring the caller to have less knowledge of the transaction system and minimise its failure modes - it may only need to be aware of errors with the transaction's arguments, and avoids exposure to any system crash encountered by the service.

This helps achieve fault tolerance, particularly when some components of the system have many or random failure modes - perhaps an unreliable data source or buggy dependency. It also clearly delineates error handling from the domain logic, separating control flow into two coexistent architectures:

  1. Domain: Message oriented services - Flat structure
  2. Fault management: Supervision tree - Hierarchical structure

In other words, the system does its job by passing messages among several encapsulated modules, and manages failure by structuring these modules into a tree of execution contexts in which each node may defer to its parent to make decisions about faults (supervision policy).

Supervision policies can be easily shared between different services for common failure patterns such as API rate-limits or excessive runtime.

By confining faults to a supervision context (fault localisation) it becomes much easier to model and manage failure scenarios. System intent is also clearer as domain logic is less interleaved with error handling. Read more at The Reactive Manifesto.


  • Let it crash philosophy
  • Message-based thread communication / similar to Communicating Sequential Processes
  • Redux on the server
  • Object concurrency model


  • Care must be taken when constructing action methods using closures, if the methods are intended to be used for composition of other actors.
  • adapt and compose are not pure so they may mutate passed actor definitions leading to inscrutable state sharing issues.
  • Typescript type definition for receivers


Actor composition framework for nact.






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