This script will allow you to export the full Zendesk help center experience to static HTML (minus dynamic elements, like search and recent articles), optimized for jekyll.
pip install -r requirements.txt
python --subdomain=yourSubdomain [email protected] --password=yourPassword --templates-dir=example/export-templates/ --blacklist=example/blacklist.yml hc/en-us/
First, go through your categories, sections, and articles, and make note of which ones you don't want to export. Add the ids of these to your blacklist.yml. For an example, see examples/blacklist.yml
Next, download an example article, category, and section html file. You'll make a template out of each of these, using jinja2. For an example template of each of the three pages, see example/export-templates.
You'll also want to download any other necessary files - css, favicon, fonts, and javascript. For an example of what css/js is actually needed, take a look at example/export-templates/header.html and example/export-templates/footer.html.
Finally, go through each article, and download any images or other article attachments (embedded content is fine).
Run the export, which will dump a bunch of html documents to the export path, in a way that allows jekyll to serve them in the same manner as they were served on Zendesk.
Depending on your use case, you may want to relativize all paths - for example, changing to /hc/en-us/...
usage: [-h] --subdomain SUBDOMAIN --username USERNAME --password
[--article-template ARTICLE_TEMPLATE]
[--section-template SECTION_TEMPLATE]
[--category-template CATEGORY_TEMPLATE]
[--index-template INDEX_TEMPLATE] [--blacklist BLACKLIST]
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--subdomain SUBDOMAIN
Zendesk subdomain
--username USERNAME Zendesk username
--password PASSWORD Zendesk password
--templates-dir TEMPLATES_DIR
directory for jinja2 templates
--article-template ARTICLE_TEMPLATE
Jinja2 template for articles, in templates-dir
--section-template SECTION_TEMPLATE
Jinja2 template for sections, in templates-dir
--category-template CATEGORY_TEMPLATE
Jinja2 template for categories, in templates-dir
--index-template INDEX_TEMPLATE
Jinja2 template for index, in templates-dir
--blacklist BLACKLIST
yml file of blacklisted categories, sections, or
Currently, this script only downloads the en-us locale. In addition, it doesn't download any article attachments, css, js, or fonts - you'll need to download all of those yourself. Zendesk allows links to either be the bare id (eg /hc/en-us/articles/1234) or the id and a name slug (eg /hc/en-us/articles/1234-my-name-here-). This export only supports the latter type of link, so you'll need to fix up any links that look like the former.
- Support locales
- Support article attachments
- Support URL rewriting