This repository is a place to store code snippets. The intention is to collect useful code and contain it here. This repo in the future will then be compiled into a website.
- Grammarly
- ColorPick Eyedropper
- Natural Reader Text To Speech
- JSON Formatter
- React Developer Tools
- Select Text
- Live Sass Compiler (
- Live Server (ritwickdey.liveserver)
- stylelint (stylelint.vscode-stylelint)
- Github Copilot (Github)
- Ruby on Rails (Hridoy)
- Material Icon Theme (Philipp Kief)
- GitHub Copilot (GitHub)
- EJS language support (DigitalBrainstem)
- Auto Rename Tag (Jun Han)
- ENV (Jakka Prihatna)
- ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native snippets (dsznajder)
- One Dark Pro (binaryify)
- Prettier - Code formatter (Prettier)
- Shader languages support for VS Code (slevesque)
- ESLint (Microsoft)
- Quokka.js (Wallaby.js)