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adding custom detector python sample
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adujardin committed Jan 5, 2022
1 parent b0ad7a9 commit ed3f068
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48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions object detection/custom detector/python/pytorch_yolov5/
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# ZED SDK - Object Detection

This sample shows how to detect custom objects using the official Pytorch implementation of YOLOv5 from a ZED camera and ingest them into the ZED SDK to extract 3D informations and tracking for each objects.

## Getting Started

- Get the latest [ZED SDK]( and [pyZED Package](
- Check the [Documentation](

## Setting up

- Clone Yolov5 into the current folder

git clone
# Install the dependencies if needed
cd yolov5
pip install -r requirements.txt

- Download a model file (or prepare your own)

# Downloading by commmand line

## Run the program

*NOTE: The ZED v1 is not compatible with this module*

python --weights # [--img_size 512 --conf_thres 0.1 --svo path/to/file.svo]

### Features

- The camera point cloud is displayed in a 3D OpenGL view
- 3D bounding boxes around detected objects are drawn
- Objects classes and confidences can be changed

## Training your own model

This sample can use any model trained with YOLOv5, including custom trained one. For a getting started on how to trained a model on a custom dataset with YOLOv5, see here

## Support

If you need assistance go to our Community site at
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import cv2
import numpy as np

from cv_viewer.utils import *
import as sl
import math
from collections import deque

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

def cvt(pt, scale):
Function that scales point coordinates
out = [pt[0] * scale[0], pt[1] * scale[1]]
return out

def get_image_position(bounding_box_image, img_scale):
out_position = np.zeros(2)
out_position[0] = (bounding_box_image[0][0] + (bounding_box_image[2][0] - bounding_box_image[0][0]) * 0.5) * \
out_position[1] = (bounding_box_image[0][1] + (bounding_box_image[2][1] - bounding_box_image[0][1]) * 0.5) * \
return out_position

def render_2D(left_display, img_scale, objects, is_tracking_on):
overlay = left_display.copy()

line_thickness = 2
for obj in objects.object_list:
if render_object(obj, is_tracking_on):
base_color = generate_color_id_u(
# Display image scaled 2D bounding box
top_left_corner = cvt(obj.bounding_box_2d[0], img_scale)
top_right_corner = cvt(obj.bounding_box_2d[1], img_scale)
bottom_right_corner = cvt(obj.bounding_box_2d[2], img_scale)
bottom_left_corner = cvt(obj.bounding_box_2d[3], img_scale)

# Creation of the 2 horizontal lines
cv2.line(left_display, (int(top_left_corner[0]), int(top_left_corner[1])),
(int(top_right_corner[0]), int(top_right_corner[1])), base_color, line_thickness)
cv2.line(left_display, (int(bottom_left_corner[0]), int(bottom_left_corner[1])),
(int(bottom_right_corner[0]), int(bottom_right_corner[1])), base_color, line_thickness)
# Creation of 2 vertical lines
draw_vertical_line(left_display, bottom_left_corner, top_left_corner, base_color, line_thickness)
draw_vertical_line(left_display, bottom_right_corner, top_right_corner, base_color, line_thickness)

# Scaled ROI
roi_height = int(top_right_corner[0] - top_left_corner[0])
roi_width = int(bottom_left_corner[1] - top_left_corner[1])
overlay_roi = overlay[int(top_left_corner[1]):int(top_left_corner[1] + roi_width)
, int(top_left_corner[0]):int(top_left_corner[0] + roi_height)]

overlay_roi[:, :, :] = base_color

# Display Object label as text
position_image = get_image_position(obj.bounding_box_2d, img_scale)
text_position = (int(position_image[0] - 20), int(position_image[1] - 12))
text = "class " + str(obj.raw_label)
text_color = (255, 255, 255, 255)
cv2.putText(left_display, text, text_position, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 0.5, text_color, 1)

# Diplay Object distance to camera as text
if np.isfinite(obj.position[2]):
text = str(round(abs(obj.position[2]), 1)) + "M"
text_position = (int(position_image[0] - 20), int(position_image[1]))
cv2.putText(left_display, text, text_position, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 0.5, text_color, 1)

# Here, overlay is as the left image, but with opaque masks on each detected objects
cv2.addWeighted(left_display, 0.7, overlay, 0.3, 0.0, left_display)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

class TrackingViewer:
def __init__(self, res, fps, D_max):
# Window size
self.window_width = res.width
self.window_height = res.height

# Visualisation settings
self.has_background_ready = False
self.background = np.full((self.window_height, self.window_width, 4), [245, 239, 239, 255], np.uint8)

# Invert Z due to Y axis of ocv window
# Show objects between [z_min, 0] (z_min < 0)
self.z_min = -D_max
# Show objects between [x_min, x_max]
self.x_min = self.z_min
self.x_max = -self.x_min

# Conversion from world position to pixel coordinates
self.x_step = (self.x_max - self.x_min) / self.window_width
self.z_step = abs(self.z_min) / self.window_height

self.camera_calibration = sl.CalibrationParameters()

# List of alive tracks
self.tracklets = []

def set_camera_calibration(self, calib):
self.camera_calibration = calib
self.has_background_ready = False

def generate_view(self, objects, current_camera_pose, tracking_view, tracking_enabled):
# To get position in WORLD reference
for obj in objects.object_list:
pos = obj.position
tmp_pos = sl.Translation()
tmp_pos.init_vector(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
new_pos = (
tmp_pos * current_camera_pose.get_orientation()).get() + current_camera_pose.get_translation().get()
obj.position = np.array([new_pos[0], new_pos[1], new_pos[2]])

# Initialize visualisation
if not self.has_background_ready:

np.copyto(tracking_view, self.background, 'no')

if tracking_enabled:
# First add new points and remove the ones that are too old
current_timestamp = objects.timestamp.get_seconds()
self.add_to_tracklets(objects, current_timestamp)

# Draw all tracklets
self.draw_tracklets(tracking_view, current_camera_pose)
self.draw_points(objects.object_list, tracking_view, current_camera_pose)

def add_to_tracklets(self, objects, current_timestamp):
for obj in objects.object_list:
if (obj.tracking_state != sl.OBJECT_TRACKING_STATE.OK) or (not np.isfinite(obj.position[0])) or ( < 0):

new_object = True
for i in range(len(self.tracklets)):
if self.tracklets[i].id ==
new_object = False
self.tracklets[i].add_point(obj, current_timestamp)

# In case this object does not belong to existing tracks
if (new_object):
self.tracklets.append(Tracklet(obj, obj.label, current_timestamp))

def prune_old_points(self, ts):
track_to_delete = []
for it in self.tracklets:
if ((ts - it.last_timestamp) > (3)):

for it in track_to_delete:

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Drawing functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

def draw_points(self, objects, tracking_view, current_camera_pose):
for obj in objects:
if (not np.isfinite(obj.position[0])):
clr = generate_color_id_u(
pt = TrackPoint(obj.position)
cv_start_point = self.to_cv_point(pt.get_xyz(), current_camera_pose), (int(cv_start_point[0]), int(cv_start_point[1])), 6, clr, 2)

def draw_tracklets(self, tracking_view, current_camera_pose):
for track in self.tracklets:
clr = generate_color_id_u(
cv_start_point = self.to_cv_point(track.positions[0].get_xyz(), current_camera_pose)
for point_index in range(1, len(track.positions)):
cv_end_point = self.to_cv_point(track.positions[point_index].get_xyz(), current_camera_pose)
cv2.line(tracking_view, (int(cv_start_point[0]), int(cv_start_point[1])),
(int(cv_end_point[0]), int(cv_end_point[1])), clr, 3)
cv_start_point = cv_end_point, (int(cv_start_point[0]), int(cv_start_point[1])), 6, clr, -1)

def generate_background(self):
camera_color = [255, 230, 204, 255]

# Get FOV intersection with window borders
fov = 2.0 * math.atan(
self.camera_calibration.left_cam.image_size.width / (2.0 * self.camera_calibration.left_cam.fx))

z_at_x_max = self.x_max / math.tan(fov / 2.0)
left_intersection_pt = self.to_cv_point(self.x_min, -z_at_x_max)
right_intersection_pt = self.to_cv_point(self.x_max, -z_at_x_max)

# Drawing camera
camera_pts = np.array([left_intersection_pt
, right_intersection_pt
, [int(self.window_width / 2), self.window_height]]
, dtype=np.int32)
cv2.fillConvexPoly(self.background, camera_pts, camera_color)

def to_cv_point(self, x, z):
out = []
if isinstance(x, float) and isinstance(z, float):
out = [int((x - self.x_min) / self.x_step), int((z - self.z_min) / self.z_step)]
elif isinstance(x, list) and isinstance(z, sl.Pose):
# Go to camera current pose
rotation = z.get_rotation_matrix()
tmp = x - (z.get_translation() * rotation.get_orientation()).get()
new_position = sl.Translation()
new_position.init_vector(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2])
out = [int(((new_position.get()[0] - self.x_min) / self.x_step) + 0.5),
int(((new_position.get()[2] - self.z_min) / self.z_step) + 0.5)]
elif isinstance(x, TrackPoint) and isinstance(z, sl.Pose):
pos = x.get_xyz()
out = self.to_cv_point(pos, z)
print("Unhandled argument type")
return out

class TrackPoint:
def __init__(self, pos_):
self.x = pos_[0]
self.y = pos_[1]
self.z = pos_[2]

def get_xyz(self):
return [self.x, self.y, self.z]

class Tracklet:
def __init__(self, obj_, type_, timestamp_): =
self.object_type = type_
self.positions = deque()
self.add_point(obj_, timestamp_)

def add_point(self, obj_, timestamp_):
self.last_timestamp = timestamp_
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import cv2
import numpy as np
import as sl

id_colors = [(232, 176, 59),
(175, 208, 25),
(102, 205, 105),
(185, 0, 255),
(99, 107, 252)]

def render_object(object_data, is_tracking_on):
if is_tracking_on:
return object_data.tracking_state == sl.OBJECT_TRACKING_STATE.OK
return (object_data.tracking_state == sl.OBJECT_TRACKING_STATE.OK) or (
object_data.tracking_state == sl.OBJECT_TRACKING_STATE.OFF)

def generate_color_id_u(idx):
arr = []
if idx < 0:
arr = [236, 184, 36, 255]
color_idx = idx % 5
arr = [id_colors[color_idx][0], id_colors[color_idx][1], id_colors[color_idx][2], 255]
return arr

def draw_vertical_line(left_display, start_pt, end_pt, clr, thickness):
n_steps = 7
pt1 = [((n_steps - 1) * start_pt[0] + end_pt[0]) / n_steps
, ((n_steps - 1) * start_pt[1] + end_pt[1]) / n_steps]
pt4 = [(start_pt[0] + (n_steps - 1) * end_pt[0]) / n_steps
, (start_pt[1] + (n_steps - 1) * end_pt[1]) / n_steps]

cv2.line(left_display, (int(start_pt[0]), int(start_pt[1])), (int(pt1[0]), int(pt1[1])), clr, thickness)
cv2.line(left_display, (int(pt4[0]), int(pt4[1])), (int(end_pt[0]), int(end_pt[1])), clr, thickness)

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