- Build Docker image of Flask app server
Go into app/ directory in terminal
Let's build a two different docker image in which app_server is serving on two different ports 8031 and 8032
docker build -t app_server_01 --build-arg port_no=8031 .
docker build -t app_server_02 --build-arg port_no=8032 .
- Run the app_server image in detached mode on port 8031 and 8032
docker run -d --name server_01 -p 8031:8031 app_server_01
docker run -d --name server_02 -p 8032:8032 app_server_02
Check if both the containers are running
docker ps -a
206b49bc3b1c app_server_02 "/bin/sh -c 'python …" 6 seconds ago Up 5 seconds>8032/tcp server_02
026b1237114a app_server_01 "/bin/sh -c 'python …" 23 seconds ago Up 23 seconds>8031/tcp server_01
- Find out the IP Address of both these containers using
docker inspect <container_id> | grep IPAddress
docker inspect server_01 | grep IPAddress
docker inspect server_02 | grep IPAddress
Output must look like in this format
"SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
"IPAddress": "",
"IPAddress": "",
- Collect this ips and change the config in
present in haproxy/ folder For eg:-
backend application_nodes
balance roundrobin # A load balancing strategy to serve client in round robin fashion.
server server01 weight 2 check
server server02 check
- Build Docker image of HAProxy server
Go into haproxy/ directory in terminal and type below command
docker build -t haproxy_lb .
- Run the haproxy image on port 3030. We also expose the stats page on 3035.
docker run --rm --name haproxy_lb_0 -p 3030:3000 -p 3035:8404 haproxy_lb
Gitpod will show a pop-up to preview the page of port 3030 and 3035. Click on both the preview button. 3035 URL will show the stats page 3030 URL will show output from one of the app servers.
Stop server_01 using below command.
docker stop server_01
In the stats page, you will start seeing the red mark on server_01 after 10 sec.
- Re-start server_01 using below command.
docker start server_01
In the stats page, you will start seeing the green mark on server_01 after 10 sec.
If you make any change in haproxy.cfg file and want to re-work then you will have to do the following steps.
i) Stop / Remove any existing haproxy container
ii) Remove the image of haproxy
iii) Re-build the haproxy Image
iv) Re-run the haproxy container as per the instructions specified previously.
- https://www.tecmint.com/name-docker-containers/#:~:text=How%20to%20Name%20a%20Docker,print%20the%20new%20container%20ID.
- https://www.mend.io/free-developer-tools/blog/docker-expose-port/
- https://foxutech.com/how-to-load-balancing-applications-with-haproxy-and-docker/
- https://www.tutorialworks.com/container-networking/
- https://vsupalov.com/docker-env-vars/
- https://www.baeldung.com/ops/dockerfile-env-variable