Smart solution for hosting AI generated images
- Offers popular integrated AI image generation options from Hugging Face, OpenAI, and Cloudflare.
- Automatically hosts generated images on Pinata’s Web3 platform, returning a usable URL immediately.
- Solves the hosting problem for developers who need to quickly store and access AI-generated images.
- Flexible, decentralized hosting without the need for centralized storage services.
- Requires setting up Pinata API keys for hosting, which adds a bit of configuration overhead.
- You may need to manage API rate limits depending on the image generation tool used (e.g., OpenAI, Hugging Face).
- A valid Pinata account with access to API keys for file hosting.
- API keys or access tokens from Hugging Face, OpenAI, Cloudflare, or any supported AI image generation service.
npm install ai-generate-and-pinata-host@latest
Make sure you have your .env file populated with the mandatory and optional keys.
Here is the boilerplate of how your .env should look like :
# Mandatory configuration
# Pinata API Configuration
# 1 Mandatory, 2 Optional (you can choose which AI you are gonna use, and populate those keys here .)
# Cloudflare API Configuration
# Hugging Face API Configuration
#Open AI API Configuration
import { generateCloudflareHostedUrl, generateHuggingFaceHostedUrl, generateOpenAIHostedUrl } from "ai-generate-and-pinata-host";
let result = {}
let prompt = `Witch running a marathon with a dog and horse`;
const openAiData = await generateOpenAIHostedUrl({prompt});
result.openAiUrl = openAiData.pinataUrl;
console.log("Open AI generated image uploaded, here is the URL : " + result.openAiUrl);
const cloudflareData = await generateCloudflareHostedUrl({prompt});
result.cloudflareUrl = cloudflareData.pinataUrl;
console.log("Cloudflare AI worker generated image uploaded, here is the URL : " + result.cloudflareUrl);
const huggingfaceData = await generateHuggingFaceHostedUrl({prompt});
result.huggingfaceUrl = huggingfaceData.pinataUrl;
console.log("Huggingface AI generated image uploaded, here is the URL : " + result.huggingfaceUrl);
console.log("Here is the output : ")
└─$ node app.js
Open AI generated image uploaded, here is the URL :
Cloudflare AI worker generated image uploaded, here is the URL :
Huggingface AI generated image uploaded, here is the URL :
Here is the output :
openAiUrl: '',
cloudflareUrl: '',
huggingfaceUrl: ''