A Golang command line journaling application that combines the best features from journal & jrnl plus several more features.
Install the program:
go get github.com/jakewarren/journal
Create a .journalrc.toml config file in your home directory.
location="~/SpiderOak Hive/journals/personal"
location="~/SpiderOak Hive/journals/work"
Date values ([DATE]) are flexible and can be "human-readable" such as 'today','yesterday','1pm 2 days ago', etc.
The editor used for editing entries respects your EDITOR environment variable but defaults to vim.
Command line journaling application.
General Options:
-c | --config [CONFIG_FILE] => load config from [CONFIG_FILE] instead of ~/.journalrc
--debug => turn on debug info
-h | --help => print usage information
Entry Options:
-j | --journal [JOURNAL] => add entry to [JOURNAL]
--date [DATE] => add the entry under [DATE]
Viewing Options:
--since [DATE] => view entries added after or on [DATE]
--until [DATE] => view entries added before or on [DATE]
--on [DATE] => view entries added on [DATE]
-s | --search [SEARCH TERM] => view entries containing [SEARCH TERM]
--smartcase => (default:true) perform vim-style smartcase search
Editing Options:
-e | --edit [DATE] => edit entries added on [DATE]