Repo for homeworks for the deep learning course at IST 2023/24.
The project is structured as follows:
Homework 1 was about Medical image classification with linear classifiers and neural networks. It was to be implemented using only numpy. There were also some theoretical questions
: This pdf file contains the assignment. -
: Contains code for Question 1, which covers classification with the perception, logistic regression, and the multi-layer perceptron, with implementation in numpy. -
: contains code for Question 2, which covers classification with logistic regression and the multi-layer perceptron, with implementation in torch. -
: This pdf file contains the report for the project, detailing the methods used and the results obtained, as well as answers to the theoretical quetions.
Homework 2 was about image classification with a CNN and automatic speech recognition, using the attention mechanism. There were also some theoretical questions
: This pdf file contains the assignment of HW 2. -
:Subfolder with training data. -
: Utility functions for -
: Contains code for Question 2, which covers image classification using CNNs, with implementation in torch. -
: Contains code for Question 3, which covers a sequence-to-sequence task using RNNs and attention, with implementation in torch. -
: This pdf file contains the report for the project, detailing the methods used and the results obtained, as well as answers to the theoretical quetions.