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add a post-processing example (bevyengine#4797)
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# Objective

- Add an example showing a custom post processing effect, done after the first rendering pass.

## Solution

- A simple post processing "chromatic aberration" effect. I mixed together examples `3d/render_to_texture`, and `shader/shader_material_screenspace_texture`
- Reading a bit how bevyengine#3430 was done gave me pointers to apply the main pass to the 2d render rather than using a 3d quad.

This work might be or not be relevant to bevyengine#2724


<summary> ⚠️ Click for a video of the render ⚠️ I’ve been told it might hurt the eyes 👀 , maybe we should choose another effect just in case ?</summary>


# Request for feedbacks

- [ ] Is chromatic aberration effect ok ? (Correct term, not a danger for the eyes ?) I'm open to suggestion to make something different.
- [ ] Is the code idiomatic ? I preferred a "main camera -> **new camera with post processing applied to a quad**" approach to emulate minimum modification to existing code wanting to add global post processing.


## Changelog

- Add a full screen post processing shader example
  • Loading branch information
Vrixyz committed Jun 6, 2022
1 parent 5e2cfb2 commit 765bd46
Showing 4 changed files with 286 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -512,6 +512,10 @@ path = "examples/scene/"
name = "custom_vertex_attribute"
path = "examples/shader/"

name = "post_processing"
path = "examples/shader/"

name = "shader_defs"
path = "examples/shader/"
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions assets/shaders/custom_material_chromatic_aberration.wgsl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#import bevy_pbr::mesh_view_bindings

[[group(1), binding(0)]]
var texture: texture_2d<f32>;

[[group(1), binding(1)]]
var our_sampler: sampler;

fn fragment([[builtin(position)]] position: vec4<f32>) -> [[location(0)]] vec4<f32> {
// Get screen position with coordinates from 0 to 1
let uv = position.xy / vec2<f32>(view.width, view.height);
let offset_strength = 0.02;

// Sample each color channel with an arbitrary shift
var output_color = vec4<f32>(
textureSample(texture, our_sampler, uv + vec2<f32>(offset_strength, -offset_strength)).r,
textureSample(texture, our_sampler, uv + vec2<f32>(-offset_strength, 0.0)).g,
textureSample(texture, our_sampler, uv + vec2<f32>(0.0, offset_strength)).b,

return output_color;
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ Example | File | Description
`animate_shader` | [`shader/`](./shader/ | A shader that uses dynamic data like the time since startup.
`compute_shader_game_of_life` | [`shader/`](./shader/ | A compute shader that simulates Conway's Game of Life.
`custom_vertex_attribute` | [`shader/`](./shader/ | A shader that reads a mesh's custom vertex attribute.
`post_processing` | [`shader/`](./shader/ | A custom post processing effect, using two cameras, with one reusing the render texture of the first one.
`shader_defs` | [`shader/`](./shader/ | A shader that uses "shaders defs" (a bevy tool to selectively toggle parts of a shader).
`shader_instancing` | [`shader/`](./shader/ | A shader that renders a mesh multiple times in one draw call.
`shader_material` | [`shader/`](./shader/ | A shader and a material that uses it.
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions examples/shader/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
//! A custom post processing effect, using two cameras, with one reusing the render texture of the first one.
//! Here a chromatic aberration is applied to a 3d scene containting a rotating cube.
//! This example is useful to implement your own post-processing effect such as
//! edge detection, blur, pixelization, vignette... and countless others.
use bevy::{
ecs::system::{lifetimeless::SRes, SystemParamItem},
camera::{Camera, RenderTarget},
render_asset::{PrepareAssetError, RenderAsset, RenderAssets},
BindGroup, BindGroupDescriptor, BindGroupEntry, BindGroupLayout,
BindGroupLayoutDescriptor, BindGroupLayoutEntry, BindingResource, BindingType,
Extent3d, SamplerBindingType, ShaderStages, TextureDescriptor, TextureDimension,
TextureFormat, TextureSampleType, TextureUsages, TextureViewDimension,
sprite::{Material2d, Material2dPipeline, Material2dPlugin, MaterialMesh2dBundle},

fn main() {
let mut app = App::new();

/// Marks the first camera cube (rendered to a texture.)
struct MainCube;

fn setup(
mut commands: Commands,
mut windows: ResMut<Windows>,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut post_processing_materials: ResMut<Assets<PostProcessingMaterial>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
mut images: ResMut<Assets<Image>>,
) {
let window = windows.get_primary_mut().unwrap();
let size = Extent3d {
width: window.physical_width(),
height: window.physical_height(),

// This is the texture that will be rendered to.
let mut image = Image {
texture_descriptor: TextureDescriptor {
label: None,
dimension: TextureDimension::D2,
format: TextureFormat::Bgra8UnormSrgb,
mip_level_count: 1,
sample_count: 1,
usage: TextureUsages::TEXTURE_BINDING
| TextureUsages::COPY_DST

// fill with zeroes

let image_handle = images.add(image);

let cube_handle = meshes.add(Mesh::from(shape::Cube { size: 4.0 }));
let cube_material_handle = materials.add(StandardMaterial {
base_color: Color::rgb(0.8, 0.7, 0.6),
reflectance: 0.02,
unlit: false,

// The cube that will be rendered to the texture.
.spawn_bundle(PbrBundle {
mesh: cube_handle,
material: cube_material_handle,
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)),

// Light
// NOTE: Currently lights are ignoring render layers - see
commands.spawn_bundle(PointLightBundle {
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 10.0)),

// Main camera, first to render
commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle {
camera_3d: Camera3d {
clear_color: ClearColorConfig::Custom(Color::WHITE),
camera: Camera {
target: RenderTarget::Image(image_handle.clone()),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 15.0))
.looking_at(Vec3::default(), Vec3::Y),

// This specifies the layer used for the post processing camera, which will be attached to the post processing camera and 2d quad.
let post_processing_pass_layer = RenderLayers::layer((RenderLayers::TOTAL_LAYERS - 1) as u8);

let quad_handle = meshes.add(Mesh::from(shape::Quad::new(Vec2::new(
size.width as f32,
size.height as f32,

// This material has the texture that has been rendered.
let material_handle = post_processing_materials.add(PostProcessingMaterial {
source_image: image_handle,

// Post processing 2d quad, with material using the render texture done by the main camera, with a custom shader.
.spawn_bundle(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: quad_handle.into(),
material: material_handle,
transform: Transform {
translation: Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.5),

// The post-processing pass camera.
.spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle {
camera: Camera {
// renders after the first main camera which has default value: 0.
priority: 1,

/// Rotates the cube rendered by the main camera
fn main_camera_cube_rotator_system(
time: Res<Time>,
mut query: Query<&mut Transform, With<MainCube>>,
) {
for mut transform in query.iter_mut() {
transform.rotation *= Quat::from_rotation_x(0.55 * time.delta_seconds());
transform.rotation *= Quat::from_rotation_z(0.15 * time.delta_seconds());

// Region below declares of the custom material handling post processing effect

/// Our custom post processing material
#[derive(TypeUuid, Clone)]
#[uuid = "bc2f08eb-a0fb-43f1-a908-54871ea597d5"]
struct PostProcessingMaterial {
/// In this example, this image will be the result of the main camera.
source_image: Handle<Image>,

struct PostProcessingMaterialGPU {
bind_group: BindGroup,

impl Material2d for PostProcessingMaterial {
fn bind_group(material: &PostProcessingMaterialGPU) -> &BindGroup {

fn bind_group_layout(render_device: &RenderDevice) -> BindGroupLayout {
render_device.create_bind_group_layout(&BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
label: None,
entries: &[
BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 0,
visibility: ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
ty: BindingType::Texture {
multisampled: false,
view_dimension: TextureViewDimension::D2,
sample_type: TextureSampleType::Float { filterable: true },
count: None,
BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 1,
visibility: ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
ty: BindingType::Sampler(SamplerBindingType::Filtering),
count: None,

fn fragment_shader(asset_server: &AssetServer) -> Option<Handle<Shader>> {

impl RenderAsset for PostProcessingMaterial {
type ExtractedAsset = PostProcessingMaterial;
type PreparedAsset = PostProcessingMaterialGPU;
type Param = (

fn prepare_asset(
extracted_asset: PostProcessingMaterial,
(render_device, pipeline, images): &mut SystemParamItem<Self::Param>,
) -> Result<PostProcessingMaterialGPU, PrepareAssetError<PostProcessingMaterial>> {
let (view, sampler) = if let Some(result) = pipeline
.get_image_texture(images, &Some(extracted_asset.source_image.clone()))
} else {
return Err(PrepareAssetError::RetryNextUpdate(extracted_asset));

let bind_group = render_device.create_bind_group(&BindGroupDescriptor {
label: None,
layout: &pipeline.material2d_layout,
entries: &[
BindGroupEntry {
binding: 0,
resource: BindingResource::TextureView(view),
BindGroupEntry {
binding: 1,
resource: BindingResource::Sampler(sampler),
Ok(PostProcessingMaterialGPU { bind_group })

fn extract_asset(&self) -> PostProcessingMaterial {

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