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Carthage Compatible Platform: iOS 8+ Language: Swift 3 License: MIT

JANetworking is a networking library that handles both secure token management and clean server response parsing. Simple API calls can be completely set up, parsed, and returned within the code of an object itself, or an adapter. On every server call, the token is updated, saved, and used only once on the very next call, creating a secure connection to the server. With little setup, this library can fully track and refresh that token without you needing to track it yourself.


JANetworking is designed to be installed using Carthage.

Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate JANetowrking into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "jakt/JANetworking.git"

Run carthage to build the framework and drag the built JANetworking.framework into your Xcode project.


JANetworking Version Minimum iOS Target
1.x iOS 8


Much of the JANetworking integration will be in the code of the objects themselves.

Let's take a look at how to use JANetworking with a simple object Post:

struct Post {
    let id: Int
    var title: String
    var body: String
    let authorId: String

With this library we can simply configure all server calls in the Post object. For our example, we've created 2 endpoints:

  • Post.all: Fetches all the post objects from the server. This function is static so that it can be use without instantiating the object.
  • Post.submit: Creates a post object on the server. This does not need to be static because it requires the object itself to pull the required info.
    /// Fetch all posts
    public static func all() -> JANetworkingResource<[Post]> {
        let url = URL(string: JANetworkingConfiguration.baseURL + "/posts")!
        return JANetworkingResource(method: .GET, url: url, headers: nil, params: nil, parseJSON: { json in
            guard let items = json as? [JSONDictionary] else { return nil }
            let posts = items.flatMap(Post.init)
            return posts
    /// Submit a post
    public func submit() -> JANetworkingResource<Post>{
        let url = URL(string: JANetworkingConfiguration.baseURL + "/posts")!
        let params:JSONDictionary = ["id": id,
                                     "author": authorId,
                                     "title": title,
                                     "body": body]
        return JANetworkingResource(method: .POST, url: url, headers: nil, params: params, parseJSON: { json in
            guard let dictionary = json as? JSONDictionary else { return nil }
            return Post(json: dictionary)

All methods must return a resource generic object type.

Making Server Calls

Use JANetworking.loadJSON to actually make your server calls. This function takes in a resource generic type and a completion block and returns you the object type defined in your resource.

Get All Posts

JANetworking.loadJSON(Post.all()) { data, error in
    if let err = error {
        print("`Post.all` - NETWORK ERROR: \(err.errorType.errorTitle())")
    } else if let data = data {
        print("`Post.all` - SUCCESS: \(data)")

Create a Post

let post = Post(id: 100, title: "My Title", body: "Some Message Here.", authorId:"199")
JANetworking.loadJSON(post.submit()) { data, error in
    if let err = error {
        print("`PPost.submit` - NETWORK ERROR: \(err.errorType.errorTitle())")
    } else if let data = data {
        print("`Post.submit` - SUCCESS: \(data)")


Before using JANetworking, you must first configure the library to work with your specific server. This configuration is done using the JANetworkConfiguration object.

There are a few settings that should be configured on app launch that will be the default settings for all server calls. Below is a list of everything that can be set:


  • setBaseURL(development:String, staging:String, production:String) - Set the URLs for all environments.
  • set(environment:NetworkEnvironment) - Set the current environment.
  • setSaveToken(block:SaveTokenBlock) - Customize how the token is saved. Usually this is a simple keychain store one liner.
  • setLoadToken(block:LoadTokenBlock) - Customize how the token is loaded. Usually this is a simple keychain fetch.


  • set(header:String, value:String?) - Set the default request headers for all network requests.
  • setInvalidTokenInfo(serverResponseText:[String], HTTPStatusCodes:[Int]) - Set the triggers for an invalid token. If any server call matches any of the info passed in here, it will trigger a token refresh.
  • setUnauthorizedRetryLimit(_ limit:Int) - Set the number of times the token should attempt to refresh before the server is counted as unsuccesful.
  • setUpRefreshTimer(timeInterval:TimeInterval) - Set the refresh interval for the token.


If JANetworking.loadJSON automatically detects any errors, a JANetworkingError object will be created. This object includes the status code, an easily readable errorType, and more detailed errorData. Example:

if let err:JANetworkingError = error {
    print("NETWORK ERROR: \(err.errorType.errorTitle())")
    if let data = err.errorData, let code = err.statusCode {
        print("Status Code: \(code), Details: \(data)")

Errors that can trigger the creation of a valid JANetworkingError object include an NSError and response errors parsed from either the URLResponse or the response Data object itself.


  • This error occurs when dataTaskWithRequest returns an NSError, which is unrelated to the reponse error. This means that the request has failed.

Reponse Error

  • This occurs when the dataTaskWithRequest returns successfully, however the reponse is within the range of status code ERROR (4xx or 5xx).
  • This can also occur when the server call is successful but the JSON packet received includes an error key that has valid information that can be parsed.


JAError contains properties JAError.field and JAError.message.
You can access this information through the JANetworkingError property err.errorData which returns an Array of JAError objects.