Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
A file transfer tool MVP based PeerJS(WebRTC) and Electron.
Solve the problem that Cookies cannot be carried in Chrome 90+
Fast Rust bundler for JavaScript/TypeScript with Rollup-compatible API.
Vue Vapor is a variant of Vue that offers rendering without the Virtual DOM.
A lib to compile Vue Single-File Component into plain JavaScript & CSS.
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程序员在家做饭方法指南。Programmer's guide about how to cook at home (Simplified Chinese only).
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👋 Touch gesture library, 1kb~5kb, compatible with PC / mobile
unplugin-auto-import 的 vite resolver
Deprecated (migrated into deepin-screen-recorder after v20), consider create and maintain your own fork if you love it.
JavaScript MD5 plugin, usable as part of the jQuery library or standalone