Evt is a small PubSub implementation in ES6.
Evt implements the following features:
- Pass a 'this' context when making subscriptions
- Pass arguments to subscribing functions when publishing
- Unsubscribe callbacks and evts
- Purge all registered events and callbacks
- ES6 compatible
import Evt from './Evt.js'
const evt = new Evt();
/* Subscribe to 'MYEVT' - providing a callback to be called when the MYEVT event is published */
evt.subscribe('MYEVT', function() {
/* You can add as many subscribers as you need */
evt.subscribe('MYEVT', function() {
console.log('hello again');
/* Publish 'MYEVT' */
hello again
import Evt from './Evt.js'
/* Create some object to be passed along as context */
class myClass() {
aMethod() {
const myObj = new myClass();
const evt = new Evt();
/* Pass myObj along as the third argument.
The callback will get called, applied with myObj as a context */
evt.subscribe('MYEVT', function() {
}, myObj);
/* Publish 'MYEVT' */
/* logs: 'hey' */
import Evt from './Evt.js'
const evt = new Evt();
/* Subscribe to 'MYEVT' - notice the function param */
evt.subscribe('MYEVT', function(myArg) {
/* Publish 'MYEVT' - passing along an additional argument */
evt.publish('MYEVT', 'hey');
/* Logs 'hey' */
import Evt from './Evt.js'
const evt = new Evt();
/* Subscribe returns a unique id that points to the subscription */
const pointer = evt.subscribe('MYEVT', function() {});
/* Pass unsubscribe the pointer to unsubscribe the callback */
import Evt from './Evt.js'
const evt = new Evt();
evt.subscribe('MYEVT', function() {});
/* Provide name of event to unsubscribe all callbacks and reference to event */
import Evt from './Evt.js'
const evt = new Evt();
evt.subscribe('MYEVT', function() {});
/* Calling purge completely empties the evt instance of all callbacks and events */
/* Log out the evts object to see all registered events and callbacks */
To run tests, first clone the repo and then run:
npm i
Followed by:
npm test