This repo is still very early and rough, it's mostly just notes, speculative writing, and exploratory theorem proving. Most of the files in this repo are just "mad scribblings" that I haven't refined enough to actually stand by!
If you prefer video, this presentation talks about the core ideas that make formal verification and Magmide possible, and the design goals and intentions of the project:
In this readme I give a broad overview and answer a few possible questions. Enjoy!
The goal of this project is to: create a programming language capable of making formal verification and provably correct software practical and mainstream. The language and its surrounding education/tooling ecosystem should provide a foundation strong enough to create verified software for any system or environment.
Software is an increasingly critical component of our society, underpinning almost everything we do. It's also extremely vulnerable and unreliable. Software vulnerabilities and errors have likely caused humanity trillions of dollars in damage, social harm, waste, and lost growth opportunity in the digital age (it seems clear Tony Hoare's estimate is way too conservative, especially if you include more than null
What would it look like if it was both possible and tractable for working software engineers to build and deploy software that was provably correct? Using proof assistant languages such as Coq it's possible to define logical assertions as code, and then write proofs of those assertions that can be automatically checked for consistency and correctness. Systems like this are extremely powerful, but have only been suited for niche academic applications until the fairly recent invention of separation logic.
Separation logic isn't a tool, but a paradigm for making logical assertions about mutable and destructible state. The Rust ownership system was directly inspired by separation logic, which shows us that it really can be used to unlock revolutionary levels of productivity and excitement. Separation logic makes it possible to verify things about practical imperative code, rather than simply outlawing mutation and side effects as is done in functional languages.
However Rust only exposes a simplified subset of separation logic, rather than exposing the full power of the paradigm. The Iris separation logic was recently created by a team of academics to fully verify the correctness of the Rust type system and several core implementations that use unsafe
. Iris is a fully powered separation logic, making it uniquely capable of verifying the kind of complex, concurrent, arbitrarily flexible assertions that could be implied by practical Rust code, even those that use unsafe
. Iris could do the same for any other practical and realistic language.
Isn't that amazing?!? A system that can prove completely and eternally that a use of unsafe
isn't actually unsafe??!! You'd think the entire Rust and systems programming community would be over the moon!
But as is common with academic projects, it's only being used to write papers rather than build real software systems. All the existing uses of Iris perform the proofs "on the side", analyzing manual transcriptions of the source code as Coq notation rather than directly reading the original source. And although the papers are more approachable than most academic papers, they're still academic papers, and so basically no working engineers have even heard of any of this.
This is why I'm building Magmide, which is intended to be to both Coq and LLVM what Rust has been to C. There are quite a few proof languages capable of proving logical assertions in code, but none exist that are specifically designed to be used by working engineers to build real imperative programs. None have placed a full separation logic, particularly one as powerful as Iris, at the heart of their design, but instead are overly dogmatic about the pure functional paradigm. None make it possible to type-check, prove assertions about, and compile practical programs all using one unified tool. And all existing proof languages are hopelessly mired in the obtuse and unapproachable fog of research debt created by the culture of academia. Even if formal verification is already capable of producing provably safe and secure code, it isn't good enough if only professors have the time to gain the necessary expertise. We need to pull all this amazing knowledge out of the ivory tower and finally put it to work to make computing truly safe and robust.
I strongly believe a world with mainstream formal verification would not only see a significant improvement in magnitude of social good produced by software, but a significant improvement in kind of social good. In the same way that Rust gave engineers much more capability to safely compose pieces of software therefore enabling them to confidently build much more ambitious systems, a language that gives them the ability to automatically check arbitrary conditions will make safe composition and ambitious design arbitrarily easier to do correctly.
What kinds of ambitious software projects have been conceived but not pursued because getting them working would simply be too difficult? With machine checkable proofs in many more hands could we finally build truly secure operating systems, trustless networks, or electronic voting methods? How many people could be making previously unimagined contributions to computer science, mathematics, and even other logical fields such as economics and philosophy if only they had approachable tools to do so? I speculate about some possibilities at the end of this readme.
To achieve this goal I've chosen an architecture I call the "split Logic/Host" architecture, where the two domains of software thinking are separated into two sub-languages:
- Logic Magmide, the dependently typed lambda calculus of constructions. This is where "imaginary" types are defined and proofs are conducted.
- Host Magmide, the imperative language that actually runs on real machines.
These two components have a symbiotic relationship with one another: Logic Magmide is used to define and make assertions about Host Magmide, and Host Magmide computationally represents and implements both Logic Magmide and Host Magmide itself.
represents and
| | |
| | |
v | |
Logic Magmide +-----> Host Magmide
| ^
| |
| |
logically defines
and verifies
The easiest way to understand this is to think of Logic Magmide as the type system of Host Magmide. Logic Magmide is "imaginary" and only exists at compile time, and constrains/defines the behavior of Host Magmide. Logic Magmide just happens to itself be a dependently typed functional programming language! This design takes the concept of self-hosting to its logical extreme.
I'm convinced this general architecture is the only one that can achieve Magmide's extremely ambitious goal. It feels like an optimal point in the design space, since I can't imagine another architecture that would allow all of the language components (proof checker, code compiler, target code being compiled) the possibility to be both bare metal and fully verified. I would of course love to be persuaded some other simpler architecture would also work, but so far that hasn't happened.
But it's not good enough for the architecture to allow a great language design. Everything else about the design has to be chosen correctly as well. I claim that in order for the language to achieve its goal, it has to meet all these descriptions:
In order to really deliver the kind of truly transformative correctness guarantees that will inspire working engineers to learn and use a difficult new language, it doesn't make sense to stop short and only give them an "easy mode" verification tool. It should be possible to formalize and attempt to prove any proposition humanity is capable of representing logically, not only those that a fully automated tool like an SMT solver can figure out. A language with full logical expressiveness and manual proofs can still use convenient automation as well, but the opposite isn't true.
To meet this description, the language will be fully dependently typed and use the Calculus of Constructions much like Coq. I find Adam Chlipala's "Why Coq?" arguments convincing in regard to this choice. Coq will also be used to bootstrap the first version of the compiler, allowing it to be self-hosting and even self-verifying using a minimally small trusted theory base. Read more about the design and bootstrapping plan in posts/
. The metacoq and "Coq Coq Correct!" projects have already done the work of formalizing and verifying Coq using Coq, so they will be very helpful.
It's absolutely possible for mainstream engineers to learn and use these powerful logical concepts. The core ideas of formal verification (dependent types, proof objects, higher order logic, separation logic) aren't actually that complicated. They just haven't ever been properly explained because of research debt, and they weren't even all that practical before separation logic and Iris. I've been working on better explanations in the (extremely rough and early) posts/
and posts/
Software needs to perform well! Not all software has the same requirements, but often performance is intrinsically tied to correct execution. Very often the software that most importantly needs to be correct also most importantly needs to perform well. If the language is capable of truly bare metal performance, it can still choose to create easy abstractions that sacrifice performance where that makes sense.
To meet this description, the language will include in its core libraries a formalization of the basic principles of von Neumann computation, allowing users to specify the axiomatic assumptions of any software execution environment, from concrete instruction set architectures, to any abstract assembly language such as LLVM capable of compiling to many targets, and even up to operating system userlands or bytecode environments such as WebAssembly. Making it possible to specify software at this level of fidelity helps ensure it is aligned with reality and isn't making unrealistic assumptions.
Because of separation logic and Iris, it is finally possible to verify code at this extremely granular level.
Just because it's possible to fully verify all code, doesn't mean it should be required. It simply isn't practical to try to completely rewrite a legacy system in order to verify it. We must be able to write code without needing to prove it's perfectly correct, otherwise iteration and incremental adoption are impossible. Existing languages with goals of increased rigor such as Rust and Typescript strategically use concessions in the language such as unsafe
and any
to allow more rigorous code to coexist with legacy code as it's incrementally replaced. The only problem is that these concessions introduce genuine soundness gaps into the language, and it's often difficult or impossible to really understand how exposed your program is to these safety gaps.
We can get both practical incremental adoption and complete understanding of the current safety of our program by leveraging work done in the Iron obligation management logic built using Iris. We can use a concept of trackable effects to allow some safety conditions to be optional.
Trackable effects will work by requiring a piece of some "correctness token" to be forever given up in order to perform a dangerous operation without justifying its safety with a proof. This would infect the violating code block with an effect type that will bubble up through any parent blocks. Defining effects in this way makes them completely composable resources rather than wrappers, meaning that they're more flexible and powerful than existing effect systems. Systems like algebraic effects or effect monads could be implemented using this resource paradigm, but the opposite isn't true.
If the trackable effect system is defined in a sufficiently generic way then custom trackable effects could be created, allowing different projects to introduce new kinds of safety and correctness tracking, such as ensuring asynchronous code doesn't block the executor, or a web app doesn't render raw untrusted input, or a server doesn't leak secrets.
Even if a project chooses to ignore some effects, they'll always know those effects are there, which means other possible users of the project will know as well. Project teams could choose to fail compilation if their program isn't memory safe or could panic, while others could tolerate some possible effects or write proofs to assert they only happen in certain well-defined circumstances. It would even be possible to create code that provably sandboxes an effect by ensuring it can't be detected at any higher level if contained within the sandbox. With all these systems in place, we can finally have a genuinely secure software ecosystem!
We can't write all software in assembly language! Including first-class support for powerful metaprogramming, alongside a query-based compiler, will allow users of this language to build verified abstractions that "combine upward" into higher levels, while still allowing the possibility for those higher levels to "drop down" back into the lower levels. Being a proof assistant, these escape hatches don't have to be unsafe, as higher level code can provide proofs to the lower level to justify its actions.
This ability to create fully verifiable higher level abstractions means we can create a "verification pyramid", with excruciatingly verified software forming a foundation for a spectrum of software that decreases in importance and rigor. Not all software has the same constraints, and it would be dumb to to verify a recipe app as rigorously as a cryptography function. But even a recipe app would benefit from its foundations removing the need to worry about whole classes of safety and soundness conditions. And wouldn't it be great to prove your app will never leak memory or throw exceptions or enter an infinite loop/recursion?
Magmide itself doesn't have to achieve mainstream success to massively improve the quality of all downstream software, but merely some sub-language. Many engineers have never heard of LLVM, but they still implicitly rely on it every day. Magmide would seek to do the same. We don't have to make formal verification fully mainstream, we just have to make it available for the handful of people willing to do the work. If a full theorem prover is sitting right below the high-level language you're currently working in, you don't have to bother with it most of the time, but you still have the option to do so when it makes sense.
The metaprogramming can of course also be used directly in the dependently typed language, allowing compile-time manipulation of proofs, functions, and data. Verified proof tactics, macros, and higher-level embedded programming languages are all possible. This is the layer where absolutely essential proof automation tactics similar to Coq's auto
or Adam Chlipala's crush
, or fast counter-example searchers such as quickcheck
, or computational reflection systems would be implemented.
Importantly, the language will be self-hosting, so metaprogramming functions will benefit from the same bare metal performance and full verifiability.
You can find rough notes about the current design thinking for the metaprogramming interface in posts/
My experience using languages like Coq has been extremely painful, and the interface is "more knife than handle". I've been astounded how willing academics seem to be to use extremely clunky workflows and syntaxes just to avoid having to build better tools.
To meet this description, this project will learn heavily from cargo
and other excellent projects. It should be possible to verify, interactively prove, query, compile, and run any Magmide code with a single tool. The split Logic/Host architecture will likely make it easier to understand and use Magmide.
It will also fully embrace ergonomic type inference, and use techniques such as those from "Flux: Liquid Types for Rust" to allow even many proof conditions to be inferred.
Working engineers are resource constrained and don't have years of free time to wade through arcane and disconnected academic papers. Academics aren't incentivized to properly explain and expose their amazing work, and a massive amount of research debt has accrued in many fields, including formal verification.
To meet this description, this project will enshrine the following values in regard to teaching materials:
- Speak to a person who wants to get something done and not a review committee evaluating academic merit.
- Put concrete examples front and center.
- Point the audience toward truly necessary prerequisites rather than assuming shared knowledge.
- Prefer graspable human words to represent ideas, never use opaque and unsearchable non-ascii symbols, and only use symbolic notations when it's both truly useful and properly explained.
- Prioritize the hard work of finding clear and distilled explanations.
Read posts/
or posts/
to more deeply understand the intended design and how it's different than other projects.
Building such a language is a massively ambitious goal. It might even be too ambitious! But we have to also consider the opposite: perhaps previous projects haven't been ambitious enough, and that's why formal verification is still niche! Software has been broken for too long, and we won't have truly solved the problem until it's at least possible for all software to be verified.
Yes! None of the technical details of this idea are untested or novel. Dependently typed proof languages, higher-order separation logic, query-based compilers, introspective metaprogramming, and abstract assembly languages are all ideas that have been proven in other contexts. Magmide would merely attempt to combine them into one unified and practical package.
No! My perfect outcome of this project would be for it to sit underneath Rust, acting as a new verified toolchain that Rust could "drop into". The concepts and api of Rust are awesome and widely loved, so Magmide would just try to give it a more solid foundation.
Mostly because this idea exists in an "incentive no man's land".
Academics aren't incentivized to create something like this, because doing so is just "applied" research which tends not to be as prestigious. You don't get to write many groundbreaking papers by taking a bunch of existing ideas and putting them together nicely.
Software engineers aren't incentivized to create something like this, because a programming language is a pure public good and there aren't any truly viable business models that can support it while still remaining open. Even amazing public good ideas like the interplanetary filesystem can be productized by applying the protocol to markets of networked computers, but a programming language can't really pull off that kind of maneuver.
Although the software startup ecosystem does routinely build pure public goods such as databases and web frameworks, those projects tend to have an obvious and relatively short path to being useful in revenue-generating SaaS companies. The problems they solve are clear and visible enough that well-funded engineers can both recognize them and justify the time to fix them. In contrast the path to usefulness for a project like Magmide is absolutely not short, and despite promising immense benefits to both our industry and society as a whole, most engineers capable of building it can't clearly see those benefits behind the impenetrable fog of research debt.
We only got Rust because Mozilla has been investing in dedicated research for a long time, and it still doesn't seem to have really financially paid off for them in the way you might hope.
Maybe! We can't force people or guarantee it will be successful, but we can learn a lot from how Rust has been able to successfully teach quite complex ideas to an huge and excited audience. I think Rust has succeeded by:
- Making big promises in terms of how performant/robust/safe the final code can be.
- Delivering on those promises by building something awesome. I hope that since the entire project will have verification in mind from the start it will be easier to ship something excellent and robust with less churn than usual.
- Respecting people's time by making the teaching materials clear and distilled and the tooling simple and ergonomic.
All of those things are easier said than done! Fully achieving those goals will require work from a huge community of contributors.
Emphatically yes it is worth it. As alluded to earlier, broken software is a massive drain on our society. Even if it were much more expensive to write verified software, it would still be worth it. Rust has already taught us that it's almost always worth it to have the hangover first rather than wastefully churn on a problem after you thought you could move on.
Verification is obviously very difficult. Although I have some modest theories about ways to speed up/improve automatic theorem proving, and how to teach verification concepts in a more intuitive way that can thereby involve a larger body of engineers, we still can't avoid the fact that refining our abstractions and proving theorems is hard and will remain so.
But we don't have to make verification completely easy and approachable to still get massive improvements. We only have to make proof labor more available and reusable. Since Magmide will be inherently metaprogrammable and integrate programming and proving, developments in one project can quickly disseminate through the entire language community. Research would be much less likely to remain trapped in the ivory tower, and could be usefully deployed in real software much more quickly.
And of course, a big goal of the project is to make verification less expensive! Tooling, better education, better algorithms and abstractions can all decrease verification burden. If the project ever reaches maturity these kinds of improvements will likely be most of the continued effort for a long time.
Besides, many projects already write absolutely gobs of unit tests, and a proof is literally infinitely better than a unit test. At this point I'm actually hopeful that proofs will decrease the cost of writing software. We'll see.
Is it actually useful to prove code meets some specification if we still have to trust the specification?
In a way yes this is true: when we prove an implementation meets some specification we're mostly just shifting uncertainty/trust from the implementation to the specification. This is part of why it's impossible for our systems to ever be completely perfect (whatever "perfect" means).
However I assert that this shifting of trust from code to specifications (or put another way, from trusted code to trusted theory) is worth the effort and a huge improvement over the status quo for these reasons:
- Specifications can refer to each other and be built upon, thereby revealing inconsistent assumptions and shaking out errors. Every time an incorrect specification in any way interfaces with a correct one then the incompatibility between them will be revealed at compile time. It's likely you've already experienced exactly this dynamic when you incorrectly define a type (type systems are just very simple proof systems!). If you mistakenly define a type field as an unsigned integer when it needs to be a signed integer, when you try to use the incorrect type in other code that expects a signed integer your mistake will be revealed. This won't always happen, but with deeper proof systems it has the opportunity to happen even more often than it happens in type systems.
- Specifications can be much smaller and terser than implementations, and therefore easier to audit. When we audit a specification we only have to audit the type signatures of our theorems and functions, rather than all the code inside them. Implementations have to worry about performance and many internal details that don't need to be revealed, whereas specifications only have to make assertions about whatever visible behavior is desired. Specifications can be stated in the whatever naive, simple, pure functional form makes the assertion easy to understand, whereas implementations often need to use arcane tricks and confusingly evolving mutable structures to make the algorithm efficient. If the specification is larger than the implementation I would tend to suspect one or both of them could be structured more intelligently.
No! Although it's certainly very exciting to see how truly secure verified software can be, there will always be a long tail of hacking risk. Not all code will be written in securable languages, not all engineers will have the diligence or the oversight to write secure code, people can make bad assumptions, and brilliant hackers might invent entirely new types of attack vectors that aren't considered by our safety specifications (although inventing new attack vectors is obviously way more difficult than just doing some web searches and running scripts, which is all a hacker has to do today).
However any verified software is better than none, and right now it's basically impossible for a security-conscious team to even attempt to prove their code secure. Hopefully the "verification pyramid" referred to earlier will enable almost all software to quickly reuse secure foundations provided by someone else.
And of course, social engineering and hardware tampering are never going away, no matter how perfect our software is.
This is nuanced, but the answer is still yes!
First let's get something out of the way: software is literally nothing more than a mathematical/logical machine. It is one of the very few things in the world that can actually be perfect. Of course this perfection is in regard to an axiomatic model of a real machine rather than the true machine itself. But isn't it better to have an implementation that's provably correct according to a model rather than what we have now, an implementation that's obviously flawed according to a model? Formal verification is really just the next level of type checking, and type checking is still incredibly useful despite also only relating to a model.
If you don't think a logical model can be accurate enough to model a real machine in sufficient detail, please check out these papers discussing separation logic, extremely high fidelity formalizations of the x86 and arm instruction sets, and Iris. Academics have been busy doing amazing stuff, even if they haven't been sharing it very well.
If you think we'll constantly be tripping over problems in incorrectly implemented operating systems or web browsers, well you're missing the whole point of this project. These systems provide environments for other software yes, but they're still just software themselves. Even if they aren't perfectly reliable now, the entire ambition of this project is to make them reliable.
We would however need hardware axioms to model the abstractions provided by a concrete computer architecture, and this layer is trickier to be completely confident in. Hardware faults and ambient problems of all kinds can absolutely cause unavoidable data corruption. Hardware is intentionally designed with layers of error correction and redundancy to avoid propagating corruption, but it still gets through sometimes. There's one big reason to press on with formal verification nonetheless: the possibility of corruption or failure can be included in our axioms!
Firmware and operating systems already include state consistency assertions and error correction codes, and it would be nice if those checks themselves could be verified. The entire purpose of trackable effects is to allow environmental assumptions to be as high fidelity and stringent as possible without requiring every piece of software to actually care about all that detail. This means the lowest levels of our verification pyramid can fully include the possibility of corruption and carefully prove it can only cause a certain amount of damage in a few well-understood places. Then the higher levels of the pyramid can build on top of that much sturdier foundation. Additionally the concept of corruption panics would allow software to include consistency checks even in situations that are logically impossible, to account for situations where the hardware has failed.
Yes it's true that we can only go so far with formal verification, so we should always remain humble and remember that real machines in the real world fail for lots of reasons we can't control. But we can go much much farther with formal verification than we can with testing alone! Proving correctness against a mere model with possible caveats is incalculably more robust than doing the same thing we've been doing for decades.
The biggest reason is that Coq is the language Iris is implemented in, and since that project will be a core component of Magmide it makes the most sense to be as compatible as possible. Iris will likely need to be ported to Magmide once it's bootstrapped, so it would be nice to avoid also porting it to the bootstrapping language.
The short answer is that languages like Coq weren't designed with the intent of making formal verification mainstream, so they're all pretty mismatched to the task. If you want a deep answer to this question both for Coq and several other projects, check out posts/
This question is a lot like asking the Rust project creators "why not just write better tooling and teaching materials for C"? Because instead of making something awesome we'd have to drag around a bunch of frustrating design decisions. Sometimes it's worth it to start fresh.
If I was claiming Magmide could somehow ignore the problem of undecidability (or the halting problem, or Rice's theorem, or Godel's incompleteness theorems) then this question would be a useful one. However I'm not claiming that, which means you just haven't understood Magmide and its goals.
It's impossible to write an algorithm that can automatically and without any guidance determine whether any arbitrary program terminates/meets some non-trivial semantic condition. However it is possible to write algorithms that can do so some of the time. And it's always possible to use dependent type theory to check whether a proof object successfully proves some proposition. Checking proofs is decidable, it's only constructing proofs that's in general undecidable. Researchers routinely prove that particular programs terminate or have certain characteristics, and they often have to manually write proofs to do so.
Nothing in any of these documents claims we can ignore proven truths of logic. Magmide is just trying to integrate proven concepts (proof assistants and bare metal compilers) into a nice package.
I'm not an expert logician, and I'm happy to be corrected by more knowledgeable people. But if you're asking questions like this, you've simply misunderstood either Magmide or the referenced theorems.
Historically systems have been very impractical yes, with three commonly cited issues:
- Extreme difficulty of composing proofs.
- Overly long and burdensome correctness annotations.
- Combinatorial explosion of proof terms or constraints, leading to unacceptable proof checking time.
I'm not terribly worried about composability, since separation logic systems such as Iris have demonstrated how much improvement the right abstractions can give. And I'm betting design features such as asserted types, inferred annotations, and inferred proof holes would make composing verified functions much more ergonomic. Ergonomics and abstractions can be improved over time, especially for specific classes of problems. We shouldn't throw out the entire idea of verification just because previous systems have had poor ergonomics.
I'm extremely excited about the already mentioned "Flux: Liquid Types for Rust" project, which demonstrated it's possible to ergonomically infer proof annotations. Essentially (mostly) all a programmer must do is add correctness conditions to types (just like asserted types) and (basically) all the other program annotations can be inferred. Flux then sends all those conditions to a solver and doesn't allow manual proofs for more complex conditions, but Magmide would allow manual proofs, meaning the correctness conditions could be arbitrarily interesting.
As for questions like combinatorial explosion of verification conditions, it's absolutely true that all the computational work necessary to verify software can indeed be very expensive, especially if the proof system in question is fully automated and just generates a massive list of constraints to solve.
A few techniques can help us improve the situation:
- Incremental compilation of proof terms.
- Computational reflection. For many specific problem domains it's possible to write very targeted decidable algorithms to find proofs or at least discharge many trivial proof obligations (the Rust borrow checker is an example!). Since such algorithms are narrowly targeted at a specific domain, they can perform much better than a general purpose tactic or constraint solver.
- Allowing manual/interactive proofs rather than requiring full automation. This may seem like a cop-out, and it certainly adds work for engineers, but if some theorem is simple to manually prove but would lead an automated system on a costly run through a massive search space, it's probably worth the time.
Just like ergonomics, compiler performance can be improved over time. Type systems can potentially add a huge amount of usability pain and compilation cost, but if the right design tradeoffs are found then type systems are well worth the trouble. Proof systems are simply much more advanced type systems, and I'm willing to bet the combination of Iris and a few of the design ideas I've referenced can achieve a worthwhile set of tradeoffs.
Do you really think non-experts can meaningfully contribute here? Aren't you ignoring the difficult problems that researchers still haven't solved?
This question is a useful one to ask, but I ultimately think it's wrong-headed.
I make this claim: the most important bottleneck to the broader adoption and application of formal methods isn't unsolved research problems, but the "day one" problems of ergonomic usability and connected reusability. Importantly, I only make this claim because Iris exists, which demonstrated the ability to verify extremely complex and realistic Rust code.
Most of the software that's written every day isn't that complicated. Most of the correctness conditions people will actually care to prove will either relate to safety/security or to general robustness (not leaking memory, not throwing exceptions, not going into infinite loops/recursions), conditions that have been very rigorously explored by researchers. The research cutting edge is lightyears ahead of engineering practice, and we don't have to apply the full depth of theory to get huge payoffs in the general safety and stability of software.
Researchers will continue to find solutions to difficult theoretical problems, which is great. But as long as their solutions only exist in difficult to reuse media such as Coq or pdf papers, those solutions will barely matter. Amazing theoretical progress hasn't truly fulfilled its purpose until it has somehow been applied to the real world.
So instead of saying "we should wait for researchers to solve all these difficult problems", I propose we build a highly usable system now with the theory we already have. If such a system existed, even researchers would benefit, since they would have a place to contribute further breakthroughs that would give them more visibility and support and return contributions. Magmide just wants to give both industrial engineers and academic researchers a solid foundation, one they can share and build up together.
Why build a system focused on engineers when even academics don't always use proof assistants? Shouldn't we try to build a system researchers will use first?
No. If you create a tool that is both a proof language and an abstract assembly language, primarily intended for approachable use by engineers, you'll necessarily have created a theorem prover that's enjoyable and ergonomic to use, and that supports easy sharing and reuse of proof labor across an entire community.
That design doesn't in any way preclude supporting the patterns that researchers like (using/supporting homotopy type theory, allowing concise notation using a flexible metaprogramming system, rendering proofs as latex/pdf/html/whatever documents). A highly metaprogrammable bare metal proof assistant would attract researchers, but a beautiful theorem prover without any special capability to reason about or compile bare metal code wouldn't attract engineers.
Think about it: tons of researchers use python to analyze data or automate common tasks, or focus their research on the details of C or Rust or some specific instruction set architecture. Many fewer use Coq or do research about Coq. In general, at least in computing, researchers tend to follow industrial engineers.
The verification use cases engineers care about are more specific and fully implied by those that researchers care about. If we nail the use cases engineers care about, we'll get the use cases researchers care about basically for free.
Yes, many systems don't really have a clear definition of "correct", but that doesn't mean aspects of the system aren't worth verifying, or that it wouldn't be worth building that system using verified tools.
We don't have to be able to verify every facet of every program to make verification worth the effort, we just have to be able to prove enough useful things that we can't already prove with existing type systems.
Refer to the concept of the verification pyramid discussed above.
Why bother writing code and then verifying it when we could instead simply generate code from specifications?
Generating code based on specifications is an extremely cool idea! Some researchers have already made extremely interesting strides in that direction.
It seems impossible to always generate code for any specification, since some specifications aren't true or are undecidable. I'm not even sure it would always be possible for even relatively mundane code (reach out to me if you know more about the related theory!)
Regardless of the theoretical limits of the approach, deductive synthesis systems have to be built from something, and compile to something. That something ought to be a proof language capable of bare metal performance, so Magmide would be a perfect fit for creating deductive synthesis systems.
Very early, and basically everything remains to be done! I've been playing with models of very simple assembly languages to get my arms around formalization of truly imperative execution. Especially interesting has been what it looks like to prove some specific assembly language program will always terminate, and to ergonomically discover paths in the control flow graph which require extra proof justification. I have some raw notes and thoughts about this in posts/
. Basically I've been playing with the design for the foundational computational theory.
In posts/
I outline my guess at the project's major milestones. Obviously a project as gigantic as this can only be achieved by inspiring a lot of hardworking people to come and make contributions, so each milestone will have to show exciting enough capability to make the next milestone happen.
Read this blog post discussing my journey to this project if you're interested in a more personal view.
I (Blaine Hansen, the maintainer and author of this document) have recently enabled Github Sponsors for Magmide, but you likely shouldn't sponsor the project yet. You are likely to be disappointed at how little influence a small sponsorship has on the speed of progress.
The ambition of this project means it's pretty "all or nothing". If the project never reaches the point where we've bootstrapped an initial version of the compiler, it would be difficult to say the project has provided any value at all. The chasm between here and there is pretty wide, with the most harrowing step being the definition of the language theory (operational semantics and custom weakest-precondition proposition to instantiate Iris).
I'm confident I could get the project to that point if I had some help/pointers from Iris experts and the freedom to work on this project full-time. I'm not at all confident I can do so in my nights and weekends, even with occasional code contributions from others. I've actually been looking around at various ways to support the project at the level of a full-time pursuit, but haven't been able to find anything that makes sense. The most natural path to complete a project like this would be to pursue it in a PhD program, and as exciting as that would be it isn't possible because of a flurry of personal constraints.
If you know of a company that would be willing to make a series of short bets on an unproven researcher, then please let me know. Otherwise the volume of support that will come through Github Sponsors is unlikely to materially effect how much time I or anyone else will have to work on this project. I'm not going to make anyone a promise I'm not sure I can keep.
Just reach out! Since things are so early there are many questions to be answered, and I welcome any useful help. Feedback and encouragement are welcome, and you're free to reach out to me directly if you think you can contribute in some substantial way.
If you would like to get up to speed with formal verification and Coq enough to contribute at this stage, you ought to read Software Foundations, Certified Programming with Dependent Types, this introduction to separation logic, and sections 1, 2, and 3 of the Iris from the ground up paper. You might also find my unfinished introduction to verification and logic in Magmide useful, even if it's still very rough.
Here's a broad map of all the mad scribblings in this repo:
contains exploratory Coq code, much of which is unfinished. This is where I've been playing with designs for the foundational computational theory.src
, andtest_theory
contains Rust, Ocaml, and Coq code representing the current skeleton of the initial bootstrapping toolchain.posts
has a lot of speculative writing, mostly to help me nail down the goals and design of the project.notes
has papers on relevant topics and notes I've made purely for my own
is a scratchpad for raw ideas, usually ripped right from my brain with very little
is speculative writing about a "by example" introduction to the language. I've been toying with different syntax ideas there, and have unsurprisingly found those decisions to be the most difficult and annoying 😢
Thank you! Hope to see you around!
A proof checker with builtin support for metaprogramming and verification of assembly languages would allow us to build any logically representable software system imaginable. Here are some rough ideas I think are uniquely empowered by the blend of capabilities that would be afforded by Magmide. Not all of these ideas are only possible with full verification, but I feel they would get much more tractable.
This is a general quality, one that could apply to any piece of software. With machine checked proofs, it's possible to write software that never has to be rewritten or maintained. Of course in practice we often want to add features or improve the interface or performance of a piece of software, and those kind of expected improvements can't be anticipated enough to prove them ahead of time.
But if the intended function of a piece of software is completely understood and won't significantly evolve, it's possible to get it right once and for all. Places where this would be a good idea are places where it's hard to get to the software, such as in many embedded systems like firmware, IOT applications, software in spacecraft, etc.
If it's possible to prove a piece of code is well-behaved in arbitrary ways then it's possible to simply run foreign and untrusted code without any kind of sandboxing or resource limitations, as long as that foreign code provides a consistent proof object demonstrating it won't cause trouble.
What kind of performance improvements and increased flexibility could we gain if layers like operating systems, hypervisors, or even internet browsers only had to type check foreign code to know it was safe to execute with arbitrary system access? Of course we still might deem this too large a risk, but it's interesting to imagine.
Many software applications are critical for safety of people and property. It would be nice if applications in aeronautics, medicine, industrial automation, cars, banking and finance, decentralized ledgers, and all the others were fully verified.
It isn't good enough for voting machines to be provably secure, the voting system itself must be cryptographically transparent and auditable. The ideal requirements are extremely complex, and would be very difficult to get right without machine checked proofs.
Voting is sufficiently high stakes that it's extremely important for a voting infrastructure to not simply be correct, but be undeniably correct. I imagine it will be much easier to assert the fairness and legitimacy of voting results if all the underlying code is much more than merely audited and tested.
Things like the Underlay or the Intercranial Abstraction System get much more exciting in a world with a standardized proof checker syntax to describe binary type formats. If a piece of data can be annotated with its precise logical format, including things like endianness and layout semantics, then many more pieces of software can automatically interoperate.
I'm particularly excited by the possibility of improving the universality of self-describing apis, ones that allow consumers to merely point at some endpoint and metaprogrammatically understand the protocol and type interface.
All computer programs in our world operate on bits, and those bits are commonly interpreted as the same few types of values (numbers, strings, booleans, lists, structures of those things, standardized media types). In a world where all common computation environments are formalized and programs can be verified to correctly model common logical types in any of those common computation environments, then correct interoperation between those environments can also be verified!
It would be very exciting to know with deep rigorous certainty that a program can be compiled for a broad host of architectures and model the same logical behavior on all of them.
Since so much more knowledge of a package's api can be had with proof checking and trackable effects, we can have distributed package management systems that can enforce semver protocols at a much greater granularity and ensure unwanted program effects don't accidentally (or maliciously!) sneak into our dependency graphs.
In many languages some idea of encapsulation or data hiding is supported by the language, to allow component authors to ensure outside components don't reach into data structures and break invariants. With proof checking available, it's possible to simply encode invariants directly alongside data, effectively making arbitrary invariants a part of the type system. When this is true data no longer has to be hidden at the type system level. We can still choose to make some data hidden from documentation, but doing so would simply be for clarity rather than necessity.
Removing the need for data hiding allows us to reconsider almost all common software architectures, since most are simply trying to enforce consistency with extra separation. Correct composition can be easy and flexible, so we can architect systems for greatest performance or clarity and remove unnecessary walls. For example strict microservice architectures might lose much of their usefulness.
The process model is a very good abstraction, but the main reason it's useful is because it creates hard boundaries around different programs to prevent them from corrupting each other's state. Related to the above point, what if we don't have to do that anymore? What if code from different sources could simply inhabit the same memory space without much intervention?
The Rust community has made some very innovative strides with their asynchronous executor implementations, and I am one person who believes the "async task" paradigm is an extremely natural way to think about system concurrency and separation. What if an async task executor could simply be the entire operating system, doing nothing but managing task scheduling and type checking new code to ensure it will be well-behaved? In this paradigm, the abstractions offered by the operating system can be moved into a library instead of being offered at runtime, and can use arbitrary capability types to enforce permissions or other requirements. Might such a system be both much more performant and simpler to reason about?
Most databases are designed to run as an isolated service to ensure the persistence layer is always in a consistent state that can't accidentally be violated by user code. With proof invariants this isn't necessary, and databases can be implemented as mere libraries.
Immutable update logs have proven their value, and with proof checking it would be much easier to correctly build "mutable seeming" materialized views based on update commands. Databases could more easily save multiple materialized views at different scales in different formats.
Rust has inspired many engineers with the beautiful and powerful ideas of ownership and reference lifetimes, rooting out many tricky problems before they arise.
However the model is too simple for many obviously correct scenarios, such as mutation of a value from multiple places within the same thread, or pointers in complex data structures that still only point to ownership ancestors or strict siblings such as is the case in doubly-linked lists. More advanced invariants and arbitrary proofs can solve this problem.
Reactive programming models have become ubiquitous in most user interface ecosystems, but in order to make sense they often rely on the tacit assumption that user code doesn't introduce resource leaks or deadlocks or infinite cycles between reactive tasks. Verification can step in here, and produce algorithms that enforce tree-like structures for arbitrary code.