Sunbottle is a tool for automatically collecting your generation, purchase and selling, and storage of electricity.
It currently works with Sharp's Cocoro Energy in Japan, but can be extended to support additional systems.
Sunbottle is a standard Python/Django application, so you are able to host it anywhere. However, I recommend because it's where I run mine and have included instructions.
The application should be configured with 1024MB
of memory to run stably.
$ git clone
Add block storage so your readings and generation data will persist across deploys.
fly volumes create sunbottle_data --region nrt --size 3
Add the storage to your fly.toml
so the server can use it.
Generate a secret key for the application using the command below.
$ python3 -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())"
Set the following secrets:
$ flyctl secrets set DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=<my_secret key>
$ flyctl secrets set SHARP_LOGIN_MEMBERID=<my_member_id>
$ flyctl secrets set SHARP_LOGIN_PASSWORD=<strong_password_here>
$ flyctl secrets set ALLOWED_HOSTS=<my_domain>
$ flyctl secrets set DB_NAME=</opt/sunbottle/data/db.sqlite3>
Ensure the DB_NAME
includes the path of your block storage so your data will persist across versions.
should include at a minimum your domain. Multiple domains should be separated by a comma.
$ flyctl deploy
Connect to the server and run migrations.
$ flyctl ssh console
$ cd /app
$ python migrate
So you can access the Django admin.
$ python createsuperuser
Visit /admin/electricity/battery/add/
to register your battery in Sunbottle. Capacity is in kWh.
Next, visit /admin/electricity/generator/add/
to add a name for your solar array.
After setup is complete, Sunbottle will automatically scrape generation, battery level, purchasing, and selling of electric every half-hour.
Before that, it's good to run a test scrape to confirm everything is working.
$ python scrape_everything
After about 15 - 20 seconds, this should complete. Refreshing the main page should show data.
Sunbottle can also be used to scrape historical data. You can do so by running the scrape_everything
command and including a date at the end.
$ python scrape_everything 2022-10-18
To add support for your own system to Sunbottle, you'll need to implement 3 Retriever sub-classes:
- generation.GenerationRetriever
- storage.StorageRetriever
- buysell.BuySellRetriever
Each Retriever will be given a headless Firefox webdriver and an optional date that indicates which date should be retrieved.
The same Firefox instance is used across all retrievers in a single command.
Once implemented, store them in the domain package e.g. sunbotle.domain.my_system
Next, instruct Sunbottle to use these retrievers by setting the following environment variables/secrets:
$ flyctl secrets set GENERATION_RETRIEVER_CLASS=sunbottle.domain.my_system.MyGenerationRetriever
$ flyctl secrets set STORAGE_RETRIEVER_CLASS=sunbottle.domain.my_system.MyStorageRetriever
$ flyctl secrets set BUYSELL_RETRIEVER_CLASS=sunbottle.domain.my_system.MyBuySellRetriever
$ flyctl secrets set
Generation retrievers should run a list of GenerationReading
objects, which is the datetime and kWh of electricity generated.
from selenium import webdriver
from sunbottle.domain.electricity import generation
class MyGenerationRetriever(generation.GenerationRetriever):
def retrieve(
browser: webdriver.Firefox | None = None,
date: | None = None,
) -> list[generation.GenerationReading]:
from selenium import webdriver
from sunbottle.domain.electricity import storage
class MyStorageRetriever(storage.StorageRetriever):
def retrieve(
browser: webdriver.Firefox | None = None,
date: | None = None,
) -> list[storage.StorageReading]:
from selenium import webdriver
from sunbottle.domain.electricity import buysell
class MyBuySellRetriever(buysell.BuySellRetriever):
def retrieve(
browser: webdriver.Firefox | None = None,
date: | None = None,
) -> list[buysell.BuyReadin | buysell.SellReading]:
from selenium import webdriver
from sunbottle.domain.electricity import consumption
class SharpConsumptionRetriever(consumption.ConsumptionRetriever):
def retrieve(
browser: webdriver.Firefox | None = None,
date: | None = None,
) -> list[consumption.ConsumptionReading]: